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Location:Someone's Alter
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Registered on:12/3/2008
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Don’t worry, Republicans won’t do shite. It will just be Democrats that continue lawfare. So you can rest easy. ...
[quote]Supreme Court is about to destroy this judge[/quote] [quote]I hope they unanimously disbar them and he and Bragg go to fricking prison for this.[/quote] Merchan and Bragg will be in office as long as they want and will receive many, many awards. ...
[quote]Oh come on, ya coward Kennedy. You should at least be good for a stupid fuqin metaphor similar to Judge Merchan’s to his jurors. Give us a good metaphor at least, coward.[/quote] I'm sure he'll deliver the folksy whimsy, something like... [i]You know, you should always follow your hea...
Republicans are not about this life. They don't fight that way. Rubio was on Sensei's show tonight saying America must fight and do everything possible to make sure another political prosecution never happens again. ...
[quote]When does Civil War 2.0 start? Asking for a friend.[/quote] lol Everyone will take this sitting down except when they go to work. I think the responses to the Great Recession, domestic spying, Covid lockdowns all thoroughly illustrate it....
Thread immediately derailed with “making groceries.” [img]https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhCU8iKDVPG2rDwRunBQxhgzMFD6xVzWzttdvLrfgZ6MTUXkMqd1OWopSgRinxyvtgF-f6yJh-g5NNNUy2aXVsU7y22uB0Seu5zHbtjW8N7dEFUjBqaukQGO4t2OI-Zvn64XJ-b6QZyzUY/s1600/Cold+Clarence+Thomas+Hearings....
She has no choice but to make nice with Trump. She saw what happened to Liz Cheney and said no thanks. Haley is more cunning. ...
Are we sure the camps will be ready in time? Has anyone checked on their progress? ...
What say you: guilty, not guilty, unable to reach a verdict. I’ll lead off… [img]https://y.yarn.co/acf86568-a437-4791-b22d-c8277104e541_text.gif[/img] [img]https://y.yarn.co/6a2cd764-deee-4183-8214-aab52748854f_text.gif[/img] ...
I only heard a reference to Federal Election Campaign Act, not the NY law you cited but maybe I missed it. ...
[quote]Anyone upset about Trump being found guilty has a job and a family to care for and about. I know I don't have time for pointless protests and tearing shite up on public property. Do you?[/quote] Ain’t got no time for that....
Crusty Mississippi good ole boy...
[img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m300efOaB51rqfhi2o1_250.gif[/img] [img]https://y.yarn.co/9dcfcc66-99d3-46d4-9f43-09fa0f49d3e0_text.gif[/img] ...
[quote]In April, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said it expects the Russian economy to grow faster than all advanced economies in 2024. Russian GDP is forecast to expand by 3.2%, exceeding the expected growth rates for the US (2.5%), the UK (0.5%), Germany (0.2%) and France (0.7%).[/quote] ...
[quote]if ONE juror says not guilty, it's done, right?[/quote] The judge could tell them to go back and keep deliberating. It will be interesting if he resorts to the “dynamite” charge: judge sends the jury back even after they’ve repeatedly said they are hopelessly deadlocked. I had one cas...
[quote]I thought the underlying crime was trying to influence an election[/quote] Well, that’s one of the subjects the prosecution has mentioned. ...
[quote]Which still begs the question of if it is falsified records if all payments to Cohen were marked as legal services and they had no knowledge of what he was doing.[/quote] Well, the state has Cohen saying they had knowledge. I know, it’s Cohen. ...
I’m not sure about NY law, if the crime in furtherance must be defined. But I know in cases of falsifying business records that other crime is customarily always named because it helps prove your case. Here, the prosecution has danced around the idea of election fraud as the other crime. But noth...