Favorite team:Texas Rangers 
Location:Alberta, overlooking B.C.
Number of Posts:11337
Registered on:1/6/2009
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“Oh no, you can’t touch her” That’s what’s wrong with society. The general traveling public was either filming or running away. The airport employees and security were useless. Tackle that bitch and get her out of the airport. ...
The story of my life. The friend was always so far out of my league that I never had a chance, but somehow, being with her friend fooled me more than once into thinking otherwise. ...
[img]https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjHgOvp-Y7qsTAjEC6kaoXPZwiw5c6nV6eO5DVcpRNRLkWwXsBXUbRefrfe3KqycNbN-F11n9BXt9l3vz4fNpGgCmVIxSykh23bqkWJalDRGu-_QyWKEknqtQnYK0oNNTaVbbVaDaHRy4o/s1600/Smiley2.jpg[/img] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71E3MhNNMuL._AC_UF1000,100...
[quote]Can't believe I just listened to the whole thing.[/quote] So did I. Someone needs to come over and unplug me. My simulation has taken a weird turn. It needs to be reset so I can get back to the normal simulated universe. ...
[quote]the smaller the chicken, the bigger his profit. FAX[/quote] They were expanding so fast at one point their suppliers could no longer reliably provide the original size to all their locations, so they had to downsize out of necessity. Customers kept coming, so a move they originally didn’...
[quote]car was trapped by mostly peaceful George Floyd protesters[/quote] The press is dedicated to their script. Even when describing hostile and illegal actions, they still label these professional rioters as “mostly peaceful”...
[quote]BR Riverfront [/quote] [quote]some sort of water related issue[/quote] That my guess as well. ...
I know a baw still looking for his boat on Lake Ray Roberts from the weekend. [img]https://media.nbcdfw.com/2024/05/31352610005-1080pnbcstations.jpg?quality=85&strip=all[/img]...
[quote]Zenon is the CB that sealed the SEC Championship against Tennessee with a pick six, right?[/quote] [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/jjrbQs8g8v3kXNBFQ_KVJDPDdIk=/0x0:480x360/1200x800/filters:focal(316x53:392x129)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/56222857/hqdefault.0.jpg[/img] ...
[quote]From what I know from following the situation, the teachers got an across the board bonus last year of $4,000.00. It was stated to be a one time bonus. This year there isn’t enough money to bonus them again. Of course it is seen as a cut in pay.[/quote] So, they are actually getting a $...
Big hotel is happy. Crappy or borderline hotels are getting government money. Decent and high end hotels can now charge whatever they want ...
I just walked though a hotel bar in Dallas with a TV on NBC News with Lester Holt. I watched at least 3 minutes of a longer segment highlighting a handful of individuals that are leaving the state due to Governor DeSantis and his policies. Never mind the millions that have moved to Florida i...
[quote]nobody treats 6,000 patients in 4 months.[/quote] That’s where the $1.5M incentive comes into play. Got to work overtime for the big government payout. ...
[quote]two 16-year-old juveniles[/quote] Same old story. They will continue to roam the streets. ...
[quote]Isaiah Buggs[/quote] Never has been considered bright. Like others from NELA that have ended up in Tuscaloosa, he’s found trouble with the law. ...

re: Ww 2 poster propaganda

Posted by Ghost of Colby on 5/29/24 at 3:16 pm
Woodrow Wilson was a terrible and dangerous president. His biggest sin wasn’t propaganda, but actually criminalizing and arresting anyone that didn’t agree with his policies. ...
Excerpts from the letter the DA presented to the court: [quote]The death of John Mills is not part of the case before you, your Honor, but this terrible incident set in motion a confusing and chaotic scene at Gate 1 of Valhalla Golf Course.[/quote] [quote]Prior to Mr. Scheffler's arrival, seve...
[quote]This is random but see if you can take tennis lessons. [/quote] Plus, tennis wives and mommies love setting up (or pairing up) their single friends with the new guy. ...