Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:576
Registered on:1/12/2009
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[link=(https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1362119628?pid=119628)]LINK[/link] On sale and I love my cheap Leupold binos...
What I want to know is why did the other police vehicles have factory speed limiters on them ? You'd think they would order them without that or have it tuned. ...

re: 2024 NASCAR Season Thread

Posted by Bama Shadow on 4/23/24 at 3:07 pm
[quote]I can see the playoffs where Denny is eliminated and the last spot to advance to final 4 is Bell or Reddick. And Hamlin takes out Bell (or interferes) allowing his owned car to make it through. I imagine those hard core Bell fans would quit the sport. Its going to happen, where Hamlin impacts...

re: Hottest Actress of All Time

Posted by Bama Shadow on 4/17/24 at 9:32 am
13 pages and no one mentioned Loni Anderson or Brooke Shields ? [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKJ-l4_8pwWsGUv8ytPNT9Dhp_00ou8LNn_g&s[/img] [img]https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-990d810c1f1ff2eff0156aa3045c22f5-lq[/img] [img]https://cdn.i-scmp.com/sites/def...
As mentioned Bo Jackson. I'll add Joe Namath and Joe Montana. Give either one 15 healthy years in the pros and there's no telling what they could have accomplished....
Nolan Ryan holds 51 records in MLB. I doubt anyone will ever break that one. ...
Install chargers at existing rest stops. Cover roofs of said rest stop buildings with solar panels to help fuel the damn things. ??? Profit ? ...
Savage 110 Timberline in 280 AI for about 1000. New Criterion 280 AI barrel for 350. Sightron S-tac 4-20x50 duplex reticle for 450. Forster press 400, dies 150, rest on brass and bullets....
[quote]And what temperature causes the prion to be destroyed?[/quote] [quote]Sustained heat for several hours at extremely high temperatures (900°F and above) will reliably destroy a prion.[/quote] Supposedly a case was discovered in the county I hunt and live in so all baiting has been banned...

re: IST 2/5/24

Posted by Bama Shadow on 2/5/24 at 4:54 pm
Last week of the season and I'm 0-4. I think this brain infection crap is giving me the shakes. Just can't seem to keep the gun still. I'm hunting a stand with a maxxum shot of 100 yes today after missing 4 from 150-200 yards in my normal stand. This shite keeps up and I'll have some rifles for sale...
It's my sig on here. A smart man can cover his tracks, but a wise man doesn't have to....
her son summed it up on Facebook when he said Mom finally has justice. I'm glad it's over for him finally....

re: Ted on Peacock…

Posted by Bama Shadow on 1/26/24 at 3:26 pm
I enjoyed it, but I also enjoyed the movies. The family definitely reminds me of the Bunkers from All in the family. Dad is Archie, Mom is Edith, and Blaire is Gloria. But Ted and the son are the outlier. The bit with the bully dressed in a sailor suit cracked me up....

re: Let’s all laugh at Texas State

Posted by Bama Shadow on 1/26/24 at 2:59 pm
Just making room for this guy [img]https://img1.hulu.com/user/v3/artwork/59b84b36-9817-4653-a7dc-2a25544fb11c?base_image_bucket_name=image_manager&base_image=444e0299-e58a-4d99-b721-12032a3bbe82&size=458x687&format=jpeg[/img]...

re: Reloading question

Posted by Bama Shadow on 1/26/24 at 1:40 am
If there is 2 lbs of RL26 3 hours away, you better go get it. And if they have more get that too if you can afford it. That's been the hardest to get powder in years. I got lucky a few years ago and my LGS got 10 lbs and I bought it all. I haven't seen any since. That stuff is so good if you sprinkl...
I really hope this works so the family can get peace. I worked with her son and fished with him a lot and consider him a dear friend. I can not imagine what he is going through. He never talked about it to me, just talked about his uncle. Closest thing he said once was that he could never be on jury...
Don't think I saw him mentioned, if he was I apologize [img]https://static01.nyt.com/images/2009/08/16/arts/16lim_650.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale[/img]...

So refreshing to hear the bands

Posted by Bama Shadow on 1/1/24 at 4:55 pm
No matter who you want to win, isn't it nice to not have any piped in music, just each schools band playing ?...

re: Somewhere PP7 just smiled

Posted by Bama Shadow on 1/1/24 at 4:32 pm
But Julio wasn't and he touched the ball first and made it dead...