Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:LSU, golf, photography
Occupation:Sales slime
Number of Posts:5575
Registered on:2/8/2009
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I remember it well, wasn’t far from where I worked, and I knew the area well. Those dudes were POS humans...
Sometimes the story just writes itself....
San Franshitsco?? Hello?...

re: Prayers Needed from the OT

Posted by Polycarp on 5/25/24 at 9:55 pm
You got it brother ...

re: My dog passed last night

Posted by Polycarp on 5/20/24 at 8:26 pm
That sucks dude. Kudos to you for making his life better....

re: Roanoke VA for retirement?

Posted by Polycarp on 5/20/24 at 8:24 pm
That’s my concern. I hear meth is prevalent in Appalachia....
We may be married to the same woman, lol!...
I am betting on the Palestine protesters! Looks like their handiwork.....
A coworker goes there frequently, he said it’s great.....
It's not in a desirable neighborhood. That area has gone down a lot in the last 5-10 years.. ...

re: Has furniture gone up much?

Posted by Polycarp on 4/14/24 at 6:11 pm
My good friend and his family owned a furniture store in La. Deals I got were insane, but the sold it. Sucks!! There is so much markup on furniture....
The dealer I work at ( not a salesman) has a good service department. We are family owned, and do a lot in the community. It’s nice working for someone who has a conscience, and treats people fairly....
Definitely a shitty human being.....
I purposefully had a house built with an upstairs game room with a bathroom, that wasn’t over any bedrooms. He was a freshman in a new HS, and on the golf team. It worked to perfection, on the weekends, we would only know how many kids stayed over by judging the shoes at the bottom of the stairs, lo...
Those were the best times… I remember all of that well. Did most, lol!...
Not much wrong with either. I spend a lot of time in both, love the area. Hwy 21 is a great road....
That's funny! and Frick a pit...

re: Any Trey Holly updates?

Posted by Polycarp on 3/4/24 at 6:37 pm
Innocent until proven guilty, I say....