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Registered on:9/26/2009
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Does she not realize that he can get the 20 year old model with all the bells and whistles?...

re: Monroe vs Alexandria

Posted by shinerfan on 6/6/24 at 8:04 am
[quote]Monroe is a Super shite Hole because of Jamie Mayo. [/quote] For most of his reign Jamie Mayo was a pretty good to very good mayor. He eventually succumbed to the ego and arrogance of the longtime incumbent but look right down the road at Jackson, MS. Monroe is a flawed city but it ain't ...
Reason not the need. - King Lear...
[quote]Odoacer[/quote] It ended badly but he had a nice run....
[quote]How trashy you realized you were for watching wrestling?[/quote] It's fine for a nine year old. The onset of puberty killed watching it for most of us. Although I do enjoy the crazy stories....
[quote]WNBA players might be the least likeable sports figures on earth. [/quote] The recent US National Women's Soccer Teams have actually been worse. And it's a damned shame because Brandi Chastain ripping off her shirt and then lapping the field after winning the inaugural women's WC was an ...
Little Justin can always use a few more stormtroopers....
[quote]So every gun?[/quote] If you like your muzzle-loader you can keep your muzzle-loader. For now....
Good. Let it go to a floor vote and make the swing-state Dems go on the record and piss off large numbers of people whichever way they vote....
Tomorrow. The correct answer is always tomorrow....

re: Monroe vs Alexandria

Posted by shinerfan on 6/5/24 at 10:01 pm
[quote]Ruston is the worst place in LA. Such a close-minded, hostile place from my short times I've been in that place[/quote] Somewhat true, but I saw some good shows at Rabb's back in the day. Willie, Dwight, Cross Canadian Ragweed, REK...Great steak, too. RIP Rabb's in Ruston...
[quote]generally see that as more justification than Napoleon had. Napoleon's invasion was more just to invade.[/quote] Well, the Tsar kept breaking treaties. But in both instances they could have just invaded western Russia and started digging in. But they just had to chase the Russian Army in...

re: Monroe vs Alexandria

Posted by shinerfan on 6/5/24 at 6:01 pm
Do you remember the original Enoch's across the street from the Library Lounge? I saw Dash Rip Rock/LeBlanc there when I was 18 years and 1 day old. At the time I had seen a number of big names in arena shows but I had never seen anything like that shite. (I guess that was the 1st Enoch's. First one ...

re: Monroe vs Alexandria

Posted by shinerfan on 6/5/24 at 5:27 pm
[quote]2011-2016 ish[/quote] Yeah that was a dead period. The Shamrock/Tomcat/Depot had become Harvey's Dance Hall and that was a big blow. Cartoon was long dead. Sixth Street was still there but their booking was always erratic . And Enoch's had moved to the present location which is great but...

re: Monroe vs Alexandria

Posted by shinerfan on 6/5/24 at 4:34 pm
[quote]They don’t call it Funroe for nothing baw I never heard this term used in Monroe... people from Ouachita parish never refer to Monroe as this... it's Roe City[/quote] I've heard it a million times. Usually in a playfully mocking way. There was a bar called Funroe's in the late '80s....
[quote]Should that concern me?[/quote] If you're looking for a perfect woman you'll be looking for a long time. But I wouldn't rush into marriage talk and I'd be wary if she did....

re: Dr Pepper has passed Pepsi

Posted by shinerfan on 6/5/24 at 3:44 pm
DP. I'm blaming this one on my advanced years ...

re: Dr Pepper has passed Pepsi

Posted by shinerfan on 6/5/24 at 3:43 pm
[quote]I think Mountain Dew and Gatorade are holding up their entire brand.[/quote] Sunkist and Crush both make good orange sodas but orange soda is pretty much orange soda. Crush Strawberry is vastly better than any other strawberry....

re: Dr Pepper has passed Pepsi

Posted by shinerfan on 6/5/24 at 3:41 pm
[quote]But Dr. Pepper is great and they have the 2 best diet drinks in terms of tasting like an actual sugary soda with 0 calories.[/quote] Sugar Free A&W tastes exactly like regular A&W if you like root beer....