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Location:Jacksonville, FL
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Registered on:12/8/2009
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[quote]It's pure action/thriller[/quote] Respectful minds can disagree. While it is certainly best categorized as "action," I thought Aliens, especially the first act, superbly captured the fear factor that propelled Alien to such popular reception. Anyone sitting through their first view...
[quote]Pettifogger[/quote] You'd probably appreciate this, if you haven't read it before. In 1969, Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) wrote "What the Church Will Look Like in 2000." It still rings true about the future of the faith. Here are a couple of excerpts. [quote]We have arrived, ...
[quote]Hicks was one of the coolest supporting characters ever![/quote] Hicks was an extremely well-written character. So much information about him is conveyed in the first half of the movie with only a handful of quick snippets and one-liners, which masterfully tee up his larger role in the sec...
[quote]No he didn't. They didn't realize that until they were already deep into the hive. Gorman's major mistake in my view was not being with his men on patrol.[/quote] He was a young, inexperienced lieutenant, probably straight out the academy or whatnot. Because of that, he froze when shite hit...
George Carlin did a bit about this. And he was right on the money. ...
[quote]But nothing will ever replace true face-to-face fluency.[/quote] Agreed. Yes, this overcomes the language barrier, which can be very useful for travelers who are in a jam and need a tool like this. But it does jack shite for the "respect barrier." One of the greatest benefits of le...
[quote]At the time of filming, the biggest names in the cast were probably Skerritt and Yaphet Kotto (Parker), with Veronica Cartwright (Lambert) also having some roles such as the Body Snatchers film a year or two before. Sigourney Weaver was a nobody whose main experience was doing stage acting...

re: The Peanut Butter Falcon

Posted by UGATiger26 on 5/13/24 at 2:08 pm
I liked it as well. My only beef is that they should've more slowly developed the relationship between Shia LaBeouf and Dakota Johnson. As it was, they went from majorly at-odds with each other (which was natural considering the circumstances of how they met) to friendly and lovey-dovey in like ...
[quote]I don't think any scene in any movie could ever affect me the same way as the original chestburster scene. It could not have been set up more perfectly. [/quote] If you’re not familiar with the story behind that filming that scene, you should check it out. Basically, Ridley Scott and ...
[quote] 30 ACT at 14 is insane. What a shame and disgusting act. Seems like she would’ve have an incredibly bright future.[/quote] [quote]“When we have understood free will, we shall see how silly it is to ask, as somebody once asked me, ‘Why did God make a creature of such rotten stuff that it ...
[quote]It's in all likelihood the entire reason this species exists. Homo Sapiens are likely just a caterpillar stage for whatever our evolution is making. Not many species stay the same and survive. And we're a species that has eyes on the stars. Which means we will have to survive in the most inho...
The intro of the 2008 John Adams miniseries is probably my all-time fave. If you have even a drop of patriotism in you, it will make you want to run through a brick wall. ...
[quote]In some regions, there are enough passengers and regional traffic to justify at least quasi-high speed rail: - California (Bay area, Los Angeles, San Diego) - Florida (Miami-Ft Lauderdale, Tampa, Orlando, etc). - Northeast corridor (DC-Baltimore-Philly-Newark-New York-Hartford-Boston) - M...
[quote]Uber helps out a lot with this[/quote] Kind of, but not really. Yes, Uber solves the problem if you only need a couple of rides, say from the train station to a friend's house and back. But if you need to have flexibility to visit various locations while you are in your destination...
[quote] In most parts of the U.S., it cannot work because populations are too spread out and cities too far apart. This makes car and air travel better in most places.[/quote] This. People bitch and moan that Europe does rail so well, but there's a big reason it works in Europe. Cities a...

re: Job question

Posted by UGATiger26 on 4/11/24 at 1:41 pm
[quote]Take the first offer and leave if you want. Never assume the others will make an offer. It's your life. No regrets.[/quote] Don't do this. Not every employer is some monolithic, cutthroat, man-behind-the-curtains entity that doesn't care about its employees. Chances are it's some m...

re: Job question

Posted by UGATiger26 on 4/11/24 at 1:25 pm
[quote] If you were searching for a new job and had 3 interviews with different companies, the first one calls you back and offers you the job but you really would prefer one of the other two, would it be unprofessional to accept then unaccept if one of the other jobs offered you?[/quote] So you...
[quote]Just popping in here to say that y’all need to put some respect on Alien 3. It’s arguably the second best on the franchise (and yes, I said arguably, not definitively, because of my love for A3). It’s dark and gritty, which is what an Alien movie should be all about. The whole cat and mouse...
[quote]The production was a mess. They started shooting without a completed script. Fincher was a young director who was bullied by studio execs. [/quote] Yeah, I’m familiar with the story and don’t mean to lay it 100% on Fincher. Just an unfortunate situation all-around. I feel like it’s the cla...
[quote]Does it have to be a Sequel?[/quote] Sure, prequels are on the table too. Why not? :lol: ...