Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Scottsdale, AZ
Number of Posts:3947
Registered on:1/8/2010
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[quote]The Lakers are on their way to trading places with the Clippers. They are one more coaching hire and a LeBron retirement away from irrelevancy[/quote]This. I would even venture to say that they have already traded places with the Clippers. What a bizarro world we're living in. ...
[quote]Why was her throat sore at the end of the week?[/quote] [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/t1oJf-PHLQfRn7sd3xW1dueKT8M=/0x0:700x353/1200x800/filters:focal(294x121:406x233)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/51616431/ios-10-shrug-emoji.0.png[/img]...
[quote]SEC teams just need to show up in the Regionals and Supers.[/quote]Yep. Win those and how can you keep them all out? Might shape up to be round 2 of the SEC tourney! :lol:...

re: Arms that haven’t pitched yet

Posted by mtnhighTiger on 5/23/24 at 10:02 pm
[quote]We aren’t really playing for anything at this point.[/quote][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExM3BrdDEycnhldHd6enVnYmdzdzdtaGw5b2lxbTZ2eHQxOG1lZHE0byZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/ukGm72ZLZvYfS/giphy.gif[/img]...
T’wolves or Mavs. I can appreciate the way they play. ...
[quote]Quality personality characteristics- such as loyalty, honesty, transparency, trustworthiness are more important for the majority of the single mature women that I’m friends with.[/quote] And I'll add, having their shite together... in a general sense. However, with all that being said, ...
[quote]First thing: John Stockton is the greatest PG of all-time, not Magic.[/quote] First thing: holding the all-time assists record does not equal being the greatest PG of all time. ...
They need to bring back Jerry West and let him have full control over building the team. ...
[quote]Everyone seems to forget that the Lakers were a laughing stock between Kobe’s retirement and LeBron choosing to go there. Why do you automatically assume that people will want to go play with Mr. Glass?[/quote] Right. But if you're an up and coming player... say, like, Ant Man, he would be...
Rudy Gobert on walk about [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWR9l_R-3sQ[/embed]...
I used to really enjoy watching Laker basketball. Mostly, the teams were competitive night in and night out. I’ve been a fan of the Lakers since 1978 and I just can’t watch this shite they’re putting on the floor most nights. I had thought, erroneously now, the signing of Lebron would bring back ...
[quote]LeBron still doesn't have that killer instinct like Jordan and Kobe[/quote] And that’s it right there. All that needs to be said. No way in hell either one of them would allow the nuggets to dominate like that. I love the Lakers but they fold like a wet towel in crunch time. ...

re: What’s the scam here?

Posted by mtnhighTiger on 4/3/24 at 11:52 pm
[quote]What’s the scam here? [/quote] It's a scam. They are usually Asian women...or say they are. Want to be your friend, or more, then start talking about investing in crypto or some shite. I like messing with them when they send random texts like that. I know where they're heading and cut ...

re: .

Posted by mtnhighTiger on 4/3/24 at 11:47 pm
[quote]Mid 30s guy what should I be wearing [/quote]Is this a serious question? Man up dude and wear whatever the hell you want. Jeans, t-shirt and a comfortable pair of shoes. It's not that fricking hard. Maybe wash the sand out of your vagina first. ...
[quote]Alabama becomes 2nd team to ever be in CFP and be in the NCAA Final Four same year[/quote] Who gives a shite. frick Bama. I hope UConn crushes their souls. ...

re: LSU 16 @ Rice 4 Final

Posted by mtnhighTiger on 2/28/24 at 9:58 pm
Listening to these announcers through the ESPN+ telecast is like watching paint dry. Boring as hell. ...
[quote]The experiments will not end until loosing a game or series sends you home packing.[/quote] It shouldn’t get that far. He needs to be as far down the depth chart as possible. ...