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Registered on:2/23/2010
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[quote]and i would never under any circumstances allow my kids to be around people that think this kind of behavior is ok.[/quote] hmm yet.... [quote]someone needs to catch hands, might be you that takes the arse whooping, but who cares[/quote][quote]ike it is baffling to me you have not beat t...
It sounds like your wife needs to put boundaries and walls up, ASAP. Buckle in for a lifetime of this struggle, as her family sounds fairly toxic. I hope you can both be on the same page here but now that you are growing your own family, you will have to put your mental health and safety above a...

re: Why is Business Report so woke?

Posted by PrettyBird on 5/9/24 at 11:49 am
Did you read the article you linked? [quote]Louisiana is DEAD LAST in literally every quality of life category in the country. [/quote] Rolfe agrees with you... [quote]Why is Business Report so woke?[/quote] What in his opinion column linked, is woke? ...
Hayy, lets go for a hike in the woods. Man or bear I am positive that together we could outsmart either. ...
[quote]Probably because for the majority of educated men in the West, male violence against women is not a real thing. It’s why in the article, it says that men who participate in these conversations are confused that it exists. That’s not a gaslighting problem. That’s a spotlight problem. 33% of...
Can this thread be whacked so no one on here has to waste another second of their day seeing or reading what this human's useless comments are on a topic he is so vastly undereducated on? ...
I can't think of a con... pretty flowers and awesome caterpillars. ...

re: Young women are delusional

Posted by PrettyBird on 4/19/24 at 12:32 pm
When I was 18, I was looking for a guy that was cute and willing to buy me a budlight at the bar. I blame social media for this demise! ...
[quote]could be 50-100 people[/quote] Not an overly helpful reply but the first thing to consider here is who can even accommodate that many people/rooms. It would need to be a big enough hotel that is willing to do a block. So I would start with that. One night only means you really don't want t...
I can count at least five close friends who made a big career move - however it was between ages 25-35. Big meaning back to school to get a different degree (JD, MD, etc). I can see that being near impossible after 40's, to change into a career needing college/degrees. ...
[quote]Someone is eventually going to catch on to the fact that no matter what they build in this town, it will eventually be ruined.[/quote] I would hate to live with this attitude and mindset in life. So should a city (a capitol city at that) never try to build/grow/innovate? Should we all ...
[quote] Ended my career with surgeries. Haven’t swam since[/quote] Yikes. What a tough end to a great swimming career. I grew up in the water and went on to do triathlons/ironman however I am a slow and steady swimmer, not a racer. I think its such a skill to have and intend to put my kids on...
[quote]almost perfectly[/quote] That is a STRETCH, but yes I believe the data shows they are doing better now than pre-Katrina....
Perhaps this depends on what industry you are interviewing for. I can see your side if this is a more old-school company with a 50-60 year old doing the interview. They would likely appreciate or expect a printed resume. My interviews are majority done on video calls so it is a moot point. But e...
[quote] A couple copies of your resume[/quote] Don't do this. We're not living in the 90's anymore, everything is digital. I don't need a resume, business cards or anything else printed. Just show up with a list of questions for the interviewer and your research on the company already done....
I would be worried my mini donkey would be loud though.. the videos I watch of them are hilarious when they are hee-hawing. Off to another meeting... 08 - message not received. ...
Afternoon, just ate lunch here. Aspy, do you have any mini donkeys or just horses? Opinions on mini donkeys? ...
Leisure or work does not matter to me. I will always push to stay on the planned itinerary. It would be more of a headache to move everything from the chain reaction of a missed flight. I plan my travel with minimal wiggle room and optimal use of time. I have run to make connections and I believ...