Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:Hunting, Hiking, Shooting
Number of Posts:4490
Registered on:2/4/2005
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I would definitely point the finger at violent video games and films versus the firearm manufacturers. The first two industries are making bank off the violence in their content which they know appeals to impressionable young teens while the gun manufacturers operate in a much more responsible env...

re: James Simon commits to TX

Posted by WMTigerFAN on 5/30/24 at 5:37 am
NW LA may be 60/40 Dallas Cowboys over the Saints but when it comes to college football it’s 90/10 LSU-Arkansas. It’s a long time til December, I’d be cautious as an LSU fan with your comments about Simon. Plenty of time for a change of heart or consequences. ...

re: Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by WMTigerFAN on 5/29/24 at 3:07 pm
Word of advice from the dad of three grown daughters; don’t sever that line of communication. They’ll come back. Usually when they have kids of their own and start experiencing adult challenges they begin to realize what idiots they were. Mine all apologized for the drama they produced when they tho...
What I DON’T like is when someone is clearly seeking sympathy for something that happened because they had an episode of stupidity. I’m really not that sensitive to people’s feelings unless they’re in my inner circle ?? ...
Basically whenever I feel like it. If you’re not on my friends list you don’t have a thing to worry about. ...

re: James Simon commits to TX

Posted by WMTigerFAN on 5/29/24 at 2:53 pm
Keep in mind it’s a long way from signing day. A lot can happen. Still, it feels like the gap between Lindsay and Simon was close enough the coaches decided to go with the player who hungered to be a Tiger. With Lindsey it was less a business decision. ...

re: Koki Riley, The Advocate

Posted by WMTigerFAN on 5/29/24 at 2:46 pm
I’m a former sports journalist before moving over to the news side (I’m retired). There’s certainly a lot more room to editorialize these days but as long as the reporter qualifies it as an opinion, and then offers supporting evidence as to how he/she came to that conclusion, there’s nothing wrong w...
I have a background in softball and have attended a number of LSU’s coaching clinics. Beth Torina has been incredibly receptive to the coaches in our state and region. Her youth camps are well received. So what’s holding this program back? We always seem to be a player or two away. Maybe it’s TH...
They were celebrating Oct 7th and before that 9/11. Screw em. They’re not pleading for the world to rid them of Hamas, they’re pleading to the world to step in and stop Israel from winning. ...
Don’t think it will be the NCAA, at least in its current state. SEC and Big 10 will get with the lawyers and find a way to directly compensate the players out of television and other incoming revenue. Profit share. Players will probably organize thru collective bargaining. Gonna suck for the lesser ...
Blue jeans with bottom two inches rolled. White tee with or without pocket. Brylcreen in the hair. Marlboro’s in the sleeve. Brown or black boots. Can go with sweaty straw cowboy hat...
Curious, if a team has a player who commits a crime and is incarcerated, how does that impact his salary in relation to the team’s cap number? What would happen, God forbid, if a player becomes deceased? Is the team still bound to the previous salary cap number?...
This is probably a combination of state and federal programs but all the free monthly checks going out for “disability”, “crazy checks”, kids with ADHD, etc definitely needs to be sharply reduced. These are taxpayer funded programs that are grossly abused....
1) Enhanced penalties governing illegal protests, particularly when it comes to blocking public roadways and damaging property. Mandatory community service along a public roadway with identifying shirts/signage minimum penalty. If arrested protester is from out of state mandatory jail time and doubl...
Crows are extremely good at processing situations and developing solutions. So are octopus (-pi?). Watched a video of Killer Whales work in unison to create enough wave action to wash a seal off a sheet of ice that was adrift. At some point we’re going to crack that insect “code” and find out...
Starter. I love their jackets and coach’s shorts. And the tall Walmart tube socks with the stripes. ...
After Pearl Harbor was bombed, did we let up on the Japanese after their death toll exceeded our losses in Hawaii? ...
Al Jazeera has been relatively straightforward reporting world news, except when it comes to the latest Israel/Palestinian conflict. They’re pro Arab all the way CNN-style ...