Favorite team:Atlanta Braves 
Number of Posts:22721
Registered on:6/7/2010
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Well we counted 4 scores and threw out the worst of the 5. It’s just brutal when you’re the last guy left and everyone is counting on you. And that was absolutely clutch ...
Stroke play in a team format was tough. I can’t imagine these changes to make it match play. It’s gotta be brutal for them....
Bunkers aren’t hard for these guys :lol:...
I knew Scottie wouldn't go through with a lawsuit if they dropped the charges, but he should have. ...
Either way, if players have permission to go around traffic to get into the course, then it's a failure of the police to not know the rules. They should've recognized his car just as much as he should've known that guy was a police officer. Complete overreaction by the police either way. ...
"Hurt" Cop is a pussy. Just talk to the man and work it out. Don't try and put felony charges on a guy just because you got your pussy hurt. Scottie clearly wasn't trying to scrape his knee. :lol:...
He’s fine in that bunker. It’s a perfect lie....
That’s not terrible if he has a decent lie....
It’s the most lonely sport out there in their position right now :lol:...
All that green short. You just can’t go long....
Adrenaline is pumping. Dude needs to calm himself down a little...
It’s dark as hell out there. They can’t go more than one more....
I mean if he 3 putts here then it’s just a massive choke. He’s going to have a putt to win it....