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Location:Baldwin Co, AL
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Registered on:10/5/2010
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re: GMT

Posted by Bama and Beer on 6/1/24 at 4:01 am
Good morning everyone :cheers: You know you sang it in your head when you saw it [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNnhL0_WAAABy60?format=png&name=small[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/rpSN9pHf/IMG-4309.jpg[/img]...
I usually take the bottle of booze out of the brown paper bag when I walk out of the liquor store but that's just me. And because I'm white ETA: but it looks like someone's been necking that bottle pretty hard :bow:...

re: GMT

Posted by Bama and Beer on 5/31/24 at 5:34 am
Good morning OT brethren :bow:...
I drink for every reason and no reason...

re: GMT

Posted by Bama and Beer on 5/30/24 at 5:03 am
Good morning :cheers: Almost Friday :nana:...

re: GMT

Posted by Bama and Beer on 5/29/24 at 5:15 am
Good morning OT :nana:...
Cookie Two Step and it's not even close...
[quote]One of the guys even hit a prairie dog at a confirmed 505 yards w/ my 221 Fireball.[/quote]I bet y'all shelled out a fair amount for all the shooting but this is :bow:...
[img]https://i.imgur.com/7qBlbZr.jpeg[/img] Snake saw those nails and said "wtf, nope" ...

re: GMT

Posted by Bama and Beer on 5/28/24 at 5:38 am
Good morning. Time to get the work week started. Should be nice and busy after a slow last week...
That's pretty awesome. I would have filled it up too and thrown a beer in there if it would have fit/ stayed in ...
Happy Memorial Day everyone. I just got everything unpacked and now I'm being lazy. Had a cheese quesadilla earlier ...
I really enjoy spending time in the woods and I'm fortunate that my son and wife do as well. Doing it alone, especially camping, would blow ...
frick yeah I'm poor with a 1,200 sq ft house in the country ...
People spend $15,000-$20,000 on golf carts here in Fairhope and it's comical. All with their brand new SUV's and trucks with a $500,000 house and 4 kids. They'll pay it off when they reach 85...

re: GMT

Posted by Bama and Beer on 5/27/24 at 8:47 am
[img]https://media.tenor.com/NfRiqoA3gEMAAAAM/oh-yea.gif[/img] Happy birthday brother!...

re: GMT

Posted by Bama and Beer on 5/27/24 at 7:49 am
Good morning OT folks :bow:...
Me, my son and wife spent the last 2 days camping here in Baldwin County, AL. Close to the beaches but many moons away from the shite show that's down there this weekend Bought him his "first" firearm. Just a cheap ole Heritage .22 6.5" barrel. He shot it pretty darn good all the while teaching ...