Favorite team:Florida 
Location:In Traitor Joe Biden's US
Biography:Joe Biden = Traitor to the United States
Interests:sec sports
Number of Posts:11552
Registered on:10/11/2010
Online Status:Not Online

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re: Political Melt Thread

Posted by UFMatt on 6/7/24 at 6:45 am
[quote]My question to you is why we don't have another IKE for POTUS and have only a corporate stooge, a commie stooge, and a brain worm survivor to choose from?[/quote] Don't know, at this point, don't care. You have to play with the cards that you are dealt. We have a brain worm survivor, a tra...

re: Political Melt Thread

Posted by UFMatt on 6/6/24 at 8:18 pm
We have nothing left to talk about. Anyone who says they are better under Biden I’d just not being honest. TDS is real. ...
[quote]Would losing to UCF be a fireable offense?[/quote] That would probably end my support for Napier....

re: Kimmel Show / Biden campaign

Posted by UFMatt on 6/6/24 at 11:25 am
Who watches that shite show on TV or cares what Kimmel thinks? This should be a paid political announcement and treated as such....
De Santis is a great Governor, he would be a tremendous Senator next and then a great President in the future....
Have a team that shows up every week and competes, without the stupid shite that loses football games. The Gators were an 8-4 football team last year that found a way to be 5-7 because of poor coaching, poor execution and undisciplined play. That is all I expect....
Sad to have this old man representing our country. He is the laughingstock of the rest of the world....
Last chance for SCOTUS to avoid a constitutional crisis. If they don't confirm Presidential immunity, every President will spend his life being persecuted by the other side. Starting will Brandon....
I don't understand the OP. I believe the Gators will win more than 6 games and will be ranked in the top 20 although we have the toughest schedule in the nation. Thanks SEC and whoever scheduled Miami, FSU and UCF in the same season, although until recently none typically would be a threat and UCFcc...

re: Political Melt Thread

Posted by UFMatt on 6/6/24 at 9:04 am
Ok different approach, are you better off now than you were 3 years ago? Were you and this country better off under Trump than you are under Brandon? Because they both have vastly different views of the economy, border, foreign affairs, society in general, which do you feel you and the country wi...
You have seen our schedule right? :rotflmao:...

re: Most useless stat in sports

Posted by UFMatt on 6/5/24 at 11:31 am
Peyton Manning's passing yards against the Gators. :rotflmao:...
I would rather them check him for electronic devices. ...
Gator success depends on what pitching staff shows up. If they pitch like they did in the regionals, we will see you in Omaha. If they pitch like they did for most of the season, good luck to the rest of you in Omaha....

re: 2024 Baseball

Posted by UFMatt on 6/5/24 at 7:08 am
Great season for the softball team. Picked 7th in the SEC preseason and took OK to the end with a shot at playing for a National Championship. Tim Walton continues to amaze, great coach. Future is bright with young talent....

re: Political Melt Thread

Posted by UFMatt on 6/5/24 at 6:57 am
[quote]Unless Hurd gets nominated for the Republican Party I will vote a protest vote. I will not encourage either side to keep this crap up[/quote] I understand your position, but you might as well vote for Brandon and enjoy 4 more years of the good life under the traitor. You can choose to f...
Damn, I thought all you Liberal Dims loved women with balls? Not if she is a conservative, I guess and actually a woman. ...
Joe Biden is a traitor for not exercising his oath of office and needs to be tried as such. He better hope for that Presidental immunity ruling from the SCOTUS. I would rather have 4 years of fungal infection than 4 more years of this clown. Be one of one hundred million patriots to vote to save thi...
When the bright lights come on LSU is always a tough out. Great turn around, just came up one run short....
LSU turned it around when it counted, would have liked to have seen them in Omaha with the Gators. That would have pissed off the world!...