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Location:Because Awesome
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Registered on:11/20/2010
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If they had just made the main character Japanese, "they're just trying to be Tsushima". Gamers are pretty much the bottom of the barrel now. Go ahead and enjoy your incessant entitled bitching because you'll still buy this. I guarantee if that guy was white you would be "cool angle, will chec...
The replies on that tweet are so friggin cringe....
The male protagonist was on a slave ship, it was attacked, he was the only survivor, was taken back to Japan, and learned the way of the Samurai ala Tom Cruise. The female character is Japanese. I saw the leak and laughed so hard because I knew the gamers were going to lose their shite, ,predict...

re: Muth OUT

Posted by sicboy on 5/15/24 at 8:31 am
This just popped up on my twitter feed. Pro tip, more effort than usual is needed when doing a horse racing thread....

re: Muth OUT

Posted by sicboy on 5/15/24 at 8:24 am
[quote] you made it a Biden/Trump thing[/quote] it's in the thread title...
:dunno: This is an age of mass acquisitions and poor management. We're seeing it in video games all the time. MS purchases lots of little studios, promises to let them do their thing, and then at some point realize bottom line doesn't make sense, so they get shuttered. I know we are dying...
Red Lobster is one of those staple restaurants that I'm actually shocked still exists. I I think the last I went to one was in high school, and from the outside it has never looked like they reinvented themself in any way, shape or form....
So a link shouldn't be too much of a problem, then....
I will make this last point. [img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--0IgPO04c--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/1487071650840923721.jpg[/img] Ubisoft games have this disclaimer, for as long as I can remember, and you can literally romance every character in Odyssey and Val...
[quote]Now post how many was lost by piss poor FTs.[/quote] One might argue he could have 1 more because of Nick Anderson's poor FT shooting....
Yeah, I told myself I was going to continue to post here I wasn't going to get involved in discussions like this anymore, so you do you. ...
Will my life be in danger? Honest question. Also, they don't go around injecting DEI into every game they can. A developer goes to them when they've already decided to include that in their game and SBI helps them flesh it out. ...
[quote]Apparently Sweet Baby Inc was heavy in this game. [/quote] only reason i know about this company is because of the snowflake melting over them on reddit...
[quote]every chest was behind a locked door[/quote] This is a misleading generalization. I personally liked them adding a puzzle element to a lot of those, but it wasn't nearly all of them. And although I looked origins more, Valhalla had the better works. Was so much to find....
[quote]empty[/quote] That's just not true....
[quote]Max was boring, but it seems like he was supposed to be[/quote] I've rewatched a few times, and I've shifted on Maximus. He was pretty brilliant considering he was supposed to be this tough BoS soldier but still naive to a lot of the world in certain areas. When Lucy asks if he wants to ha...