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Location:Big Sky Country
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Registered on:3/9/2011
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Too bad she's too rich to qualify for the MedicAIDS...

re: Chattanooga pronunciation

Posted by HempHead on 5/16/24 at 6:32 pm
[quote]Chat'n-ooga[/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExazFvc3FvbWRnN2ZscmgzNXlyemxhMjkwazI5ajIxbDZ4OTF2MXBldyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/26tknCqiJrBQG6bxC/giphy.gif[/img]...
[quote]I drive by a new neighborhood being constructed. These are nice houses which would sell for the low 300s. They are renting every house in that neighborhood. [/quote] New construction here is 750-1.1. I have no idea who the hell is renting at those prices....

re: Lifetime Total $ Spent on Amazon

Posted by HempHead on 5/13/24 at 7:12 pm
$0 The only things I've bought off the internet are drugs and clothes....
[quote]he and Hunter s Thompson lived together for a year in the keys after Thompson’s first divorce.[/quote] And Jerry Jeff Walker was the one who drove him to Key West....
[quote]Ironic that OP is a giant lib that thinks minorities need assistance from cradle to grave.[/quote] Perhaps we want out of government what we didn't get as children. Freedom or subsidization :lol:...
[quote]Why not let those adult children make their own mistakes, figure out the solution, and pay for the consequences?[/quote] Because, absent a serious moral failure, it is difficult to allow someone you love suffer through hardship knowing full well that you can mitigate it in a significant wa...
Because it's not normal in this part of the world :dunno: I don't even really like holding hands with a woman. :lol:...
TIL that there is a Thomas Jefferson University. Smug bastard couldn’t just be content starting the University of Virginia....

re: Good, tough-love from Dad

Posted by HempHead on 5/10/24 at 9:05 am
Ah, the famous Israeli atrocities in…WWI? Kid must frickin hate Lord Balfour....
[quote]Scruffy can do all of those at the same time.[/quote] Just don't accidentally go for the glazed donut....
Jerk off 6 times Run 12 miles Drink 18 beers Eat 24 donuts I know I have done all of these things (well, maybe not two dozen donuts). It'd be a slog but I think achievable. Gonna feel like a sack of beat up assholes the next day....
I definitely didn't accept this as an absolutely real phenomenon for my entire life until now....
You linked a local news channel article based on the USNWR. This should be fun....
[quote]If you’re not making a million you’re lower class.[/quote] Your best bet at getting to a million is by working in investment banking. 160k, even with NY taxes and NYC CoL, is still an incredible sum to be making as a new graduate....
There are so many people chasing the prestige and exit path that comes from working in IB that the institutions can effectively make the shittiest possible working conditions and there will still be thousands upon thousands willing and ready to eat shite....