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Biography:2016 Poster of the Year
Occupation:All You Can Eat Buffet Tester
Number of Posts:19084
Registered on:3/11/2011
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[quote]- She has been divorced 2x - one when she was very young and one when he cheated, turned abusive, and was drinking a ton. Should that concern me?[/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExY3B3d25tbGJlcGk3Z2lpNXk5bzVnNTZteXhqeno2MTRlcjJtcXRybSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naW...
[quote]Americans don’t like being told what to do, and many don’t trust government. These stubborn attitudes might turn H5N1 bird flu into a pandemic[/quote] [link=(https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/h5n1-bird-flu-isnt-a-human-pandemic-yet/)]LINK[/link] If you assholes would just mask ...

re: Nationwide Zyn shortage

Posted by beebefootballfan on 6/5/24 at 1:16 pm
I am a cheap nicotine addict. I always just used the new stuff that's being sold for cheap to get people to switch brands. once Zyn hit $5 a can I changed up to Velo 7mg which is on sale for 50 cents a can at our local gas station. I'd compare it to drinking Milwaukee's best. It does the...
[quote]crown of helmet to the chin and cleats to the ankle. stand over the baseman and say come at me bitch! [/quote] she's 8. I didn't want to get to violent. :lol:...
Last night a 1st baseman blocked the path for my kid to get to first base. I told her next time that happens forearm her in the mouth and keep on running. She will learn to watch where she is standing next time. ...
I'm no Alex Jones defender. Dude is an idiot. Running his mouth about Sandy Hook like he did was classless. BUT Are we not a country of free speech? Alex Jones played no roll in the death of those poor children but he was fined way more than anyone who did. How much was the school p...
I watched it with Nolan and Nutt. I fully expect the same with Dave. Another program set back 20 years. ...
[quote]From that presser, Nate is 100% safe.[/quote] Fire up those banners folks Davehugger vs Darksider war incoming...
The fall of Arkansas baseball due to a prideful coach while Tony and Wes build programs and win is going to suck. Its the Arkansas way though. ...
Somebody needs to go kill a chicken and pour some Rum because Nate Thompson isnt going to fix anything in the 9th. ...
2 hits through 6 innings DVH and crew deserve a huge raise ...
One would think with a team who all year has left runners on base a coach would be creative in trying to create runs and not just tell his guys to swing for the fence. ...
We suck so bad at the plate in pressure situations ...
Please be good sandlot not bad sandlot ...