Favorite team:Texas Rangers 
Location:Fort Worth
Interests:shopping, dancing, long walks on the beach
Number of Posts:23930
Registered on:3/13/2011
Online Status:Not Online

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why is so hard for to you believe that minorities kill white people for no reason fairly regularly?...
[quote]Yeah we all know how bad many of the bigger cities are with this crap. What’s scary is how many smaller cities are completely screwed.[/quote] but we passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill. were there not enough billions in there? ...

re: Starlink outage

Posted by WinnPtiger on 5/28/24 at 9:57 pm
[quote]Oh no another shitty musk product failing imsoshocked[/quote] surprisingly fast satellite internet that didn’t exist 10 years ago goes down for 20 minutes, and this is your response. take a deep breath, and think about this for a minute. you’re the person Louis CK was making fun of for bit...

re: My Wofford Story

Posted by WinnPtiger on 5/27/24 at 11:18 pm
[quote]Not really a Wofford story[/quote] or a thread worthy story ...
[quote]c on z[/quote] it’s amazing what threads you choose to post or not post in almost as if it isn’t your decision ...
[quote]RFK[/quote] what’s your opinion on the second amendment?...
[quote]Explain yourself cupcake! I’m not the one thinking there’s “feds” on an insignificant message board[/quote] IIRC this is the second largest right leaning message board in the country in terms of traffic...
you’ve started 260 threads in less than a year ...
[quote]Asian immigrants who have stuck with these values are doing exceptionally well[/quote] so do a supermajority of white americans, but their federal, and many state governments, actively discriminate against them ...
man, there were some really good pitching performances from nearly every team up there last year :lol: ...
[quote]People like you having cavalier attitudes about this subject is why we have a mental health epidemic In this country.[/quote] this is such a cop out it’s borderline insane. societal attitudes have little to no impact on why every third person you run into is on a psychiatric drug. it obvio...
[quote]Are you fricking kidding me? No honest person would choose middle Alabama over Pueblo, unless you are a retard.[/quote] that isn’t the topic. but migration statistics say a metric frick ton of people would ...

re: Luka Gonna Get His Rang

Posted by WinnPtiger on 5/24/24 at 10:24 pm
[quote]Has Luka always been this fat and out of shape?[/quote] what does it say about the rest of the league that two dad bod white guys from eastern europe make a mockery of AAU products ...

re: Luka Gonna Get His Rang

Posted by WinnPtiger on 5/24/24 at 10:12 pm
[quote]Nonsense. The Wolves team defense is the best in the Playoffs. It is relentless and unlike offenses, it seldom comes and goes. Denver is better than Dallas and Minnesota looks like they are ready to step up.[/quote] woof ...
you’re describing every interstate drive in America outside of major metro areas. you ever been somewhere like pueblo colorado? it makes middle alabama look like the french riviera ...