Favorite team:Bucknell
Location:priapism survivor
Number of Posts:14919
Registered on:5/24/2011
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[quote]This is why it must be Michelle Obama. IDGAF how many times Vanity Fair tells you that she doesn't want the gig. [/quote] If someone is going to step in last minute, you have prep the masses by telling them that person doesn't want it. It can't appear to be opportunistic, it must be a...
[quote]if a 2-3 star JORDAN JEFFERSON (i think he was a 2 star) Just signed a $110 MILLION GUARENTEED[/quote] He didn't...
If this is another lab leak, I'm for mobs storming the NIH, the WHO, the labs and dragging everyone involved through the streets Mogadishu style...
the tallest CB in NFL history was 6'4". He's borderline too tall....
[quote]Ever thought how much money that is missing- destroyed down through the ages? Either people loses it or burns up in house-car fires, dropped in water, however. I’m betting a lot. [/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/gRMmptI4Lu8AAAAM/maybe-millions-jeffrey-dean-morgan.gif[/img]...

re: Happy Killdozer Day

Posted by olgoi khorkhoi on 6/4/24 at 11:59 am
[quote]but he put a lot of innocent people in harm's way that day and ended up being a fricking coward.[/quote] Most people don't know that he was firing at huge propane tanks near a school, but his armor was in the line of fire just enough to deflect the bullets. If not for that one mistake...
[quote]Why the frick can’t she have fun without me, I plan on having fun without her.[/quote] It's not about fun, dipshit. Women are competitive. I would 100% go to one with my wife (thankfully she's never asked) to let her show me off. She was a nerd in HS that blossomed in college and tu...
[quote]If the economists are correct and we are about to experience falling interest rates over the next few years[/quote] The economists are not correct...
[quote]Louisiana is probably the best state in the south and could contend with others outside of the south. It has much to offer. However, our crooked, incompetent leaders keep it bad in order to line their pockets.[/quote] Elected leaders are a reflection of the voters. The problem with ...
When you block the interstate or major roads/bridges, you are blocking access to abortion clinics, hospitals, workplaces, courthouses and really everything. But I guess it's much, much worse to allow access to everything but the abortion clinic....
[quote]I go through this every time I'm comfortable.[/quote] One of the ironies of life is that we seek comfort and ease but it makes us feel empty/miserable. Humans, and more especially men, are wired to conquer difficult things and that's where we find the most meaning and happiness, in th...
[quote]I'm just glad I can share this with a board of reasonable strangers who will support these sorts of posts without judgement.[/quote] Sounds amazing, can I get a link?...
Enjoy it now, when you are replaced by AI there will be no more meetings....

re: Somebody get me a coat

Posted by olgoi khorkhoi on 5/30/24 at 11:32 pm
Let me get that tracking number.....

re: Somebody get me a coat

Posted by olgoi khorkhoi on 5/30/24 at 11:14 pm
I'm switching from libertarian to republican for the first time in a long time. Now get me a fricking coat....

Somebody get me a coat

Posted by olgoi khorkhoi on 5/30/24 at 11:06 pm
I won't come back to the republican party but I'm getting on the train for '24....
I hated the Orgeron hire and wanted him gone when he was let go, that said, I always say that sports aren't serious, just entertainment and he oversaw the most entertaining season of my lifetime. I got to experience it with my kids which made it even better. For that I will always be thankful. I ...
Mom and daughter both said it was a case of mistaken identity. Why are they continuing to profile her?...