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re: Any jeep baws been ducked?

Posted by chinhoyang on 5/16/24 at 5:25 pm
I never get a duck. My 45 has no top so someone could just toss a duck on the floor (can't put it under the wipers as they are hand powered and don't flex outward....

re: Any jeep baws been ducked?

Posted by chinhoyang on 5/16/24 at 5:24 pm
My initial reaction was "oh, another duck and jeep story" but this was a good story and worth the read....
[quote][b]arguably[/b] an unflattering picture of Australia’s richest woman,[/quote] There is no argument about it - it is unflattering....

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by chinhoyang on 5/16/24 at 1:19 pm
Texas State Trooper trainee learning how to "bulldog" a moving car. They'd jump off the motorcycle onto the running boards and shut the driver down. Must have been hell on the motorcycle. Edit: Apparently, this was generally used if a motorist was in trouble and couldn't stop the car. I could s...
The "like to watch my wife getting banged" guys are really strange to me. If you have a hot wife, you'll have your ego stroked from time to time. Guys don't need to roger your wife to know she's be a good frick. In my younger days, went to see Pink Floyd in Dallas. Wife looked great that night,...
[quote]Zero Morales[/quote] that is the name of my lawn man ...
[quote]After googling, looks like she fricks everything that moves[/quote] Like a lot of these types, she just seems nasty and dirty (and not in the good way)...
[quote]A frat brother of mine wanted me to frick his wife about 20 years ago. I was going to do it but she got too drunk and passed out. They are probably swingers now. [/quote] It is an odd mindset. Most guys with hot wives like it when other men visually check the wife out. It is an ego s...
Yea, those beautiful spring skies in the South. [img]https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1500w,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2023-06/230614-georgia-Southern-Storms-ac-1013p-893a9e.jpg[/img] [img]https://www.kxan.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2021/04/hail-damage.jpg?w=1280[...
There was a lady at our local Walmart who had a German Shepherd service dog (clearly marked). She was getting pissed because no one would check her out. The black female cashiers were all scared of the dog. She started getting irate and loud. I told her "regardless of what right you have to ha...
My neighbor was having a movie filmed at his antebellum house (about 5 acres in town). His dog was coming out and barking/growling at the movie's security guard. He called the local cops and the cop shot the dog. Neighbor was laid back about it. Dog was on his own property doing what a dog w...
When I was teaching as an adjunct (at a school that had an honor code that was generally followed by all) I caught a girl in class cheating. I confronted her and she withdrew. She didn't do well on the test, either. I wrote my tests in ways that cheating would not help. You had to understand t...
Years ago, I knew a guy who was an exhibitionist and he loved to have people watch him bang his wife. No swapping and no sharing. His wife looked like a version of a young Goldie Hawn with much larger tits. They'd go to some club in Dallas that had quite a few voyeurs, which apparently worked...

re: Hot Girl, Heavy Spender

Posted by chinhoyang on 5/15/24 at 10:51 am
Jimmy Choo shoes run $1100 +....
[quote]I would assume it's because he gets free rein to do as he pleases in that department.[/quote] There was a small group of swingers locally who all ended up in divorce court. Two of the women were hooking up with the men in secret. ...
A lot of the "everyone's swinging" mantra is based on hearsay and urban mythology. Everything gets repeated in a loop on the internet so fiction soon morphs into a belief that the information is factual....
I really like the vintage paint scheme used on the diesels. There used to be a WAMX geep stored in Minden that used the same paint color scheme. It looks great. ...