Favorite team:Montana
Location:Mexican Home
Biography:I'm not dead yet.
Interests:Confusing cats.
Occupation:Part time Expert
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Registered on:7/17/2005
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[quote]I actually want Ukraine to win, but thanks for playing anyway[/quote] Well, very impressive job of sarcasm then....
Japan attacks US at Pearl Harbor. Hitler attacks Soviet Union....

re: Wokeness with modern authors sucks

Posted by Tigris on 6/5/24 at 11:37 am
[quote]becoming more common and widespread? [/quote] Probably, but it's not really anything new. I gave up on James Lee Burke at least 30 years ago. Largely because he was just recycling the same thing, but also because he increasingly injected his politics. It's more forgivable when the writ...
It's the easiest, by far. Direct flight to Panama City on Copa. The lodge picks you up at the airport, and takes care of everything. They have several very good to excellent guides. Somewhat geared to birding, but there was a group there looking only for monkeys and sloths. A couple of friends we...

re: Most Versatile Actor

Posted by Tigris on 6/4/24 at 3:20 pm
[quote]Gary Oldman.[/quote] Also played Churchill in Darkest Hour, and Truman in Oppenheimer. Incredible range....
From your list, for wildlife: [quote]2. Amazon trip via Peru[/quote] There are some good lodges several miles up and down the Amazon river from Iquitos, and they have very good guides. The lodges are in the middle of pristine forest. This has the largest diversity of life, though not necessar...
I hope you realize that it's pretty chickenshit to use Hemmingway as your avatar. He went to support the rebels against the fascists against overwhelming odds. You advocate surrender to them. Odd choice on your part. [img]https://i.imgur.com/zS3naik.jpg[/img]...
[quote]I can draw some parallels between the Aborigines and American Indians. The Aborigines do not live on reservations per se, but many live in government built and funded communities. The one I saw first hand on a number of occasions was the Jervis Bay Territory. It was exactly as you would imagi...

re: Snake ID

Posted by Tigris on 6/2/24 at 11:57 am
[quote]But on my current Florida trip, I got my lifer at Apalachicola National Forest last Sunday[/quote] I had this one 5 days ago, within an hour drive of yours. The only other one I've seen was in coastal South Carolina. [img]https://photos.smugmug.com/Miscellaneous/i-QZ8vzxr/0/FG5777tNrNR...

re: Hummingbird pictures

Posted by Tigris on 6/2/24 at 4:40 am
We had a local guide who knows the owls well. When it got dark he immitated their call. He moved us to a few different spots on the trail. It took a couple of hours. When it flew in he hit it with his light. Luckily it stuck around a while which helped with the photo. I took at least 50 bad ones ...

re: Hummingbird pictures

Posted by Tigris on 6/1/24 at 6:57 pm
[quote]Long-whiskered Owlet? [/quote] Yep. Maybe my favorite bird ever. It's a long hike down to the habitat. Then you wait. And wait. Finally one came in. We couldn't see it at first because it was really close and we were looking in the trees well behind it. It was a shock when we realized ...

re: Is there a cruise ship hierarchy?

Posted by Tigris on 6/1/24 at 11:59 am
[quote]I prefer Celebrity. [/quote] Same, I've done 3 with them. Food was very good and I liked the age of the passengers, mostly middle aged empty nest couples. Princess was very good too. Norwegian was a step down, but it was an old ship and we got a huge discount, so no complaints at all....
[quote]Our decision to meddle in that part of the world sure hasn’t aged well.[/quote] Great Russian talking point but it's just horseshite. Ukraine voted decisively for independence in 1991 because Russia has been abusing them for a very long time. Our "meddling" in the 1920's was to give food ...

re: Hummingbird pictures

Posted by Tigris on 6/1/24 at 10:24 am
[quote]I’m sure there would be tons of stuff to photograph. Be cool to get some photos of some Toucans.[/quote] There is all kinds of cool stuff. On the last trip to Ecuador, in addition to tons of hummingbird species, we had Toucans, Owls, Cock of the Rocks, Condors, Puffbirds, Antpittas, Trogo...

re: Hummingbird pictures

Posted by Tigris on 6/1/24 at 10:12 am
[quote]Have you seen a Marvelous Spatuletail in the wild?[/quote] I have, but only females and young males. That was a major disappointment, they almost always have full males. Northern Peru was a great tour though in spite of not seeing a good male Spatula tail. We had more bird species than a...
South of Tallahassee. I'd look east of Apalachicola, it's not very developed for a good ways. Carabelle area, St. Marks area... ...
[quote]There is no noise pollution, no light population, no booming stereo, no guns being fired or carjackings to name just a few. I still have a few years before I retire, but I think this might be the perfect time to purchase some land, so when I do retire, I know exactly where I will be going!...
[quote]pretty dumb and cheesy[/quote] I never did continue with the series, just not my thing. From a post I made 7 years ago: [quote]Reading it was interesting, the author has a ton of influences and it felt like he threw them all in a blender and made a book from it. Hunger Games, Lord of t...

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by Tigris on 5/31/24 at 6:50 pm
[quote]Pete Townshend of The Who was (is?) one of his followers[/quote] Interesting - Tommy was a deaf, dumb, and blind child. And the Tommy album cover looks like that fence....

re: Hummingbird pictures

Posted by Tigris on 5/31/24 at 6:43 pm
[quote]Did you go with a group on one of the organized birding trips?[/quote] Both ways. The first three trips were to Costa Rica and I planned them myself. And I was really just learning. Then Panama at a birding lodge (Canopy Tower) and that just blew away Costa Rica. And then I kept moving...