Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Colorado Springs, CO
Biography:From Mobile originally but have lived in NC, GA and LA. Nominally Catholic but have great respect for other religions except egoic Evangelicals and Islam. Politically moderate (fiscal conservative) but voting for Trump (what other choice do I have?
Interests:Bama and SEC football.
Occupation:Computer and comics guy
Number of Posts:2340
Registered on:10/3/2011
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

Yeah right on :cheers:...
That's a ladder I'd climb anyday....
Martin Lawrence looks bloated....
[quote]Up 25…I’d be sitting starters if I’m MIN. Game seven Sunday. Max out the rest. If it gets to 12 you can sub back in. [/quote] I said that about 15 minutes ago. This is a complete goat-roping....
[quote]Oh yay the third NBA Playoffs blowout of the week. So exciting. [/quote] You'd be better off watching the UFL or whatever tf that shite show is called now....
Mike will make the right decision....
[quote]Denver has packed it in imo [/quote] As well they should. Focus on G7....
I would run the whole bench in at this point. Get ready for G7. This game is over....
[quote]Playing like Tigerdroppings poster posts [/quote] There's a lot in this post :lol:...
Reid is making some insane shots tonight....
[quote]If Murray wears mismatched shoes like Reggie Jackson, in Game 7, I’m breaking my tv [/quote] :lol: :lol: :lol:...
[quote]Malone knows all the buttons to push I have faith he’ll chew that arse for game 7 [/quote] Lots to coach up? :dunno: :lol:...
I haven't seen the Nuggets this far down in about 4 years. Almost like they gave up on this game before it started. I can only hope 5D chess is somehow involved here. :lol:...
If I was the TW Coach, I'd be going into my subs sooner rather than later....
Ah shite. I was too glib probably. He hit his tailbone. I've done that. I haven't recovered since. But I've never been an elite athlete. Hope he's ok. I didn't mean to make lite of that....
Guys have some faith in your players. Good God. No need to dv that....
[quote]Excellent communication and high level hoops IQ [/quote] You're not serious are you man? :cheers:...