Favorite team:Arkansas 
Occupation:Cannabis Cultivation
Number of Posts:65931
Registered on:12/7/2011
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[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GO9kRtAW4AAZxOr?format=jpg&name=900x900 width=450[/img]...
12:15 maybe. Almost rolled out and nothing behind it....
Omg weather delay at 10pm in the 6th inning :rotflmao:...
Need to at least burn a few more KSU pitchers. Damn an absolute hanger but he tops a line drive to the SS. Weather delay yes!!! ...
6 walks doomed KSU starter from going deep. There we go cmon Tech make it tight. 9-4!...
KSU is into the bullpen after 4.1. Too bad LT has no pitching but bases loaded 1 out. ...
I'm just glad we don't have to face this weird arm angle junk tossing lefty, seems like the type of guy we'd struggle against....
2-0 KSU going bottom first. 5-0 2nd. Techs god awful pitching stats in a garbage conference seem accurate. ...
St John's is carving MSU up. :lol: Long Island final strike ties it wow!...
Preseason #1 Wake... :lol:...
In case no one saw, LT-KSU is delayed and tarp is on the field. DVH is a genius again for picking the day game. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GO8kdGKW0AEgvKX?format=jpg&name=900x900[/img]...
He definitely has to be on for sure. And for at least 6 innings. Last home start vs MSU only lasted 5 with 4 walks 3 earned. No one thought he would give up 8 earned in the first inning last year, or that we'd lose 20-5 in his start. But it happened....
And he still has control issues lately like everyone else. None of his stats matter now. He went 1IP 8ER last regional. No I don't have full confidence and just hope he's on. If he walks 4 or 5 again we better hit the ball again. ...
So I guess we cheer for La Tech? On paper have they worse pitching than KSU and that sets up better for us IMO if it were to go to a Monday. Either way, LT and KSU have less pitching than we do so if we can hit we will still be okay....
He will go to Wood 100% if the game is close. Dave never looks ahead like that....
Yeah just have to go a game at a time now. Hagen and Wood can be all we need tomorrow if they're on. If not, may be another 20-5 TCU game with our arms left....
Yeah Hagen has to go deep which is not his strong suite with so many K's. If he can go 7, Wood can finish it....
You can feel however you want to feel. :lol: I have decent confidence but not full no. ...