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Exactly. I’ve been watching the Rotten Tomatoes audience score since the night it premiered. It started at 51%. The precipitous drop has taken place after fans had a chance to watch it. That’s not “review bombing”, that’s fans watching it and realizing it’s pure dog shite. ...

re: WTF is wrong with this world?

Posted by Darth_Vader on 6/6/24 at 10:37 pm
There’s a concerted effort to destroy traditional American culture. You see, American society was built upon traditional Christian values (despite what leftists try to tell you) and the tenants of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. As long as the American people believe in these t...
I’ll just leave this here… [img]https://i.postimg.cc/PJxwDhQS/IMG-4444.jpg[/img]...
And the audience score just keeps falling… [img]https://i.postimg.cc/bYDNNV4N/IMG-4439.jpg[/img]...
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/fTtKCLjD/IMG-4436.jpg[/img] This thing is sinking like a rock. I’ve watched the Audience score on this since last night. Around the time it premiered, the audience score was at 51%. By this morning about 9:00 AM that had fallen to 47%. Now, about 7 hours later, it’s at 4...
Today. Our yard crew comes by every other Wednesday to mow the lawn and take care of the shrubbery. I leave them a check on the front porch under a flower pot. ...
PB&J Mozzarella cheese stick Clearly Canadian Wild Cherry Afternoon, all. :cheers:...
[quote]The Darth Plagueis novel is fantastic. It’s a great read and there is also a very well done audiobook version, as well. Highly recommend.[/quote] That book along with the Darth Bane trilogy are my two favorite Star Wars novelizations. And if the powers that be at Disney really wanted t...
[quote]If I’m not mistaken, the current canon on Anakin’s birth is Palpatine used the dark side to impregnate Shmi. It’s from the Vader comics in the late 2010s.[/quote] It’s covered more in the novel Darth Plageus. At that time Sidious was his appearance. Plageus was doing experiments on living ...
[quote]Two lesbians have twins born of the Force [/quote] Ok. This can’t be real. Can it? If so, that settles it. They’re purposely trying to kill off the franchise. ...
[quote]the rumors about what happens in Ep3 are true, the entire central theme of Star Wars is ruined[/quote] I keep seeing rumors about ep. 3 being alluded to. But what are these rumors? ...
You could have save the trouble typing all that and just said you’re fine with having your entertainment laced with heavy doses of leftist propaganda. Call me crazy, but I prefer my entertainment be an escape from the unrelenting barrage of leftist propaganda and DEI crap that permeates almost e...
[quote]Oh I know exactly why the people on this board are hating on it[/quote] Yes, because it’s simply not good and normal people find shoehorning in gender and racial political messaging off putting when all they want to do is enjoy watching a good story. You can pretend that’s not happenin...
I’m not going to begrudge those who do this. In fact my only opinion on the subject is I pray I never find myself in their position. ...
I’ve always loved how in the original Star Wars they named the fat character “Porkins”. :lol:...
[quote]After reading that, I take back my guess I had assumed it was possible that he had an apprentice before Palps, similar to Palps going through Maul and Dooku. But my timeline is off[/quote] Well, it’s entirely possible the director screwed with the timeline for all we know....
If she’s not staying home to take care of your children, what the point of her staying home? ...
[quote]My guess is Mae’s master is Plagueis’ apprentice.[/quote] His apprentice was Darth Sidious, who hasn’t been born yet as this story is set a full century before the events of Phantom Menace. In fact, at this time, the Dark Lord of the Sith was Darth Tenebrous.. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/...
“Jedi” [img]https://i.postimg.cc/3RkHG283/IMG-4429.jpg[/img]...