Favorite team:USA 
Location:the Laurentian Abyss
Biography:Edison was a poser.
Interests:Wireless energy transmission
Occupation:Ne'er-do-well inventor
Number of Posts:8017
Registered on:12/27/2011
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re: Have we ever beaten UNC in baseball?

Posted by Tesla on 6/1/24 at 7:49 pm
[quote]Baseball is like a #5 sport for UNC - and you can’t beat us. Ever. That has to sting for a LSU baseball fan.[/quote] You really can’t imagine how much it doesn’t. :lol: We console ourselves with all of those pesky national championships. Oh, look! Here’s one from last year!...
Bless your heart. Such a simpleton. I bet you think the Inflation Reduction Act reduced inflation because, “it’s right in the name!” :lol:...

re: Where are umps from?

Posted by Tesla on 6/1/24 at 4:47 pm
[quote]Why would the SEC screw itself?[/quote] Probably a Bama homer who has a hard on for LSU because of eleventy billion National Championships while they have none. Or he could have been a crying 6 year old in 1997....
[quote]I don't recognize this country anymore. We used to have shared values, united principals that held our society together. The left has destroyed that. I no longer believe we can coexist. What lies ahead for our future scares me.[/quote] Somewhere along the way, the communists got the soft-h...
[img]https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D12AQG7KVvqSg2ozA/article-cover_image-shrink_600_2000/0/1598308075989?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=Dvf3YPceACGNI6A_1qtrAWVE6cjxcAMlkfI5yRabBUw[/img] Is this the racist you’re referring to?...
[img]https://www.washingtonblade.com/content/files/2014/10/transgender_service_members_international_conference_insert_c_Washington_Blade_by_Michael_Key.jpg[/img] Non-political? frick right off....
[quote]Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chair, KKR Global Institute[/quote] Look at this treasonous bitch....

re: Let’s assume the jury got it right.

Posted by Tesla on 5/31/24 at 2:12 pm
[quote]well considering neither of these were what he was being charged with.....[/quote] You have no idea what he was actually convicted of…because nobody does, you disingenuous frick. ...

re: Holy art thou, O Lord

Posted by Tesla on 5/31/24 at 6:29 am
[quote]our enemies[/quote] Especially the domestic ones....
Stand by. There’s a false flag on deck for July 11, I’m sure....
[quote]which would tear the country apart[/quote] That ship has sailed....
The only accountability would come from a private citizen with nothing to lose. The GOP won’t do shite....

re: She's not guilty.

Posted by Tesla on 5/31/24 at 4:30 am
[quote]Are there penalties for judges who dont follow the rule of law? Like an ethics board or something?[/quote] It would be a shame if something similar happened to judges who continue to do things like this....
[quote]He's a convicted felon because "democrats went after him WITH RECEIPTS".[/quote] Bull fricking shite. They didn’t even state an actual crime. They had to piecemeal dead accusations together then completely change the voting structure of the jury so they didn’t have to agree on what charges t...
But you actually committed a crime. That’s the difference....
[quote]Just remember that people have been saying this for thousands of years and none of them have been right[/quote] That’s fricking dumb. Every successive prediction is closer than the one before. Eventually the end will come. It might be tonight or a million years from now. But eventually some...
No way you’re an Air Force vet. You cannot take an oath to defend the Constitution and ignore the absolute rape of that document today....

re: Ken Paxton calls the FBI/DOJ "Gestapo"

Posted by Tesla on 5/30/24 at 8:39 pm
[quote]Number of Posts: 330[/quote] aero1126@fbeye.gov...
Sure about that? fricking moron....
[quote] I feel like that old Indian about now.[/quote] He was an Italian, but yeah....