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Location:Baton Rouge
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Registered on:2/18/2012
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[quote]Translation: “I hate what democrats did so I’m going to do the same thing democrats do”.[/quote] Noticing that people took an untested vaccine is a lot different than suggesting putting people who didn't in concentration camps and denying them food and health care....
[quote]The Israelis are incredibly racist and are awful to anyone who isn’t Jewish. They’re not a western people, they’re a middle eastern one, and their ethics are driven by their own sense of racial supremacy, and zero sum attitudes towards resources. Assuming this is true, it that reason ...
[quote]Affaletuses [/quote] Doesn't the vax cause strokes too?...
[quote]Cock like a baby Burmese Python.[/quote] Just ask his daughter Ashley. :lol:...
Just a story to help condition us for the 15 minute cities our global rulers want us all to live in, except them, of course. Weird, no images of the electrified walls that will keep us in....
[quote]So she hopes this film bombs because it’s going to bomb.[/quote] She is just setting it up for the film's failure being because of racism!!!!!!!!...
I was in Oahu last week and noticed tons of wind turbines in the rural areas, with only about 15% actually working. What a boondoggle. Thanks Obama!...
[quote]Obama not long ago pushed to make project housing a priority in suburbs. [/quote] Ghetto injection is the cure for white fortressing apparently....
[quote]Trump is a convicted felon in NY State court,[/quote] Wrongo, Trump is a justice affected person....
RIP Smiley. I used to love to read his column. He had the easiest job in the business. All he would do is transcribe the daily contents of voicemail/answering machine and submit it as a column. Nice gig and I hope he is drinking root beers with his baws in the Past Time Lounge in Heaven....
[quote]quote: the NamX HUV can manage 800km before needing a fresh hit of gas. That's only like, what....15 or 20 miles? Pssssh......[/quote] That's almost 500 miles nimrod....
[quote]How long until hospitals are smothering old folks or hastening the process with other compounds? It's such a sad state.[/quote] They did it to people during covid with ventilators, remdesivir and with holding early treatments like HQ and Ivermectin....
Carnivore diet will do the same without chinese bull shite....

re: Liberty Lagoon

Posted by ruzil on 5/27/24 at 6:11 pm
Dey juss beefin'...
Black on black crime. MSM won't cover so this is a nothing burger....
[quote]I don’t see how it would help them.[/quote] If your goal is to end the American experiment, it helps them greatly ...
[quote]He said he fell in love with Afghanistan during the trip and later enrolled at Edinburgh to study anthropology.[/quote] 94 years old is a pretty nice run. It must have killed him when he saw the Taliban destroying all those monuments after they took control of the Afghanistan in 2001....
[quote]He could have more easily dumped her and moved on.[/quote] What about the disrespek?! You can't let that shite go in the hood....
Kiss my arse Kiss his arse Happy Hanukkah...
Andy Dufresne could do this. That’s how he lasted in solitary at Shaw Shank Prison....