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re: Political Melt Thread

Posted by Cheese Grits on 6/6/24 at 7:09 pm
[quote]Ok different approach, are you better off now than you were 3 years ago?[/quote] Yes [quote]Honest answer[/quote] People think POTUS can turn like a rowboat. US is more like an aircraft carrier. Takes time and effort to see the effect. Bush Sr gets 2 terms if Ronnie does not bury us ...
West Memphis had the har hittin brothers back in the day. Has it been gentrified?...

re: Sec——>Big Ten Analogs

Posted by Cheese Grits on 6/6/24 at 7:01 pm
He is much more effective with a weed eater and a gas blower....
I banged your granny but did not marry her....
Depends Do you use the barrier at the grocery the way Pio showed you to? It is amazing what that knowledge unlocks to the few (and not so proud)...
[quote]C. Permanently, for jinxing Utx[/quote] While a good observation, it was a trick question. D. Move him to the TAMU board....
[quote]Is anyone here an expert in a certain collectable?[/quote] I have a large collection of navel lint, does that count?...

re: Sec——>Big Ten Analogs

Posted by Cheese Grits on 6/6/24 at 3:32 am
[quote]SEC ——>Big Ten Analogs[/quote] Here is the simpler version SEC = God fearing people B1G = Rapists, Pedos, and all sorts of sinners If Baylor joined the B1G, they would fit right in with their rapists ways...
[quote]The trump campaign has sent vetting documents to the following vp contenders[/quote] Based on Trump's dining habits, it should be this chap. [img]https://i.etsystatic.com/6224367/r/il/af0de6/4357305595/il_1080xN.4357305595_i5de.jpg[/img]...

re: Post your phone wallpaper.

Posted by Cheese Grits on 6/6/24 at 3:25 am
When we put a phone in the house we just screwed it to the wood. Wallpaper was for the rich folks. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ed/d9/53/edd953070e7f82c0936eb2905ded4a97.jpg[/img]...
Looking at that pic, she hid 8 K of snacks in her boobs? Say what you will, but pretty impressive to me....
[quote][quote]As I get older[/quote] [quote]I just turned 49.[/quote][/quote] Old is 80's and above in my book You are just a whippersnapper to me and 45 to 65 should be your BEST years....
[quote]Good news for Memphis Tennessee[/quote] West Memphis is actually in Arkansas?...

re: Trump Now On TikTok

Posted by Cheese Grits on 6/6/24 at 3:17 am
[quote]So you like to suppress speech on a platform that 121 million Americans use…[/quote] TikTok Pravda If it is Commie controlled, I am suspect....
MOAR SPORT! [img]https://i.postimg.cc/zX0MHy7j/73929543101-5-E3-C3-ACB-B50-C-4-F1-B-9-EAC-E1-D9439-AE17-A.jpg[/img] (Walker Coonhound Approved) [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.MSIOuRwAX2PWX6wdrwk6LwHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=ce...

re: ESPN FPI 10 Toughest Schedules

Posted by Cheese Grits on 6/5/24 at 12:06 pm
[quote]4 - Kentucky[/quote] :banghead: :banghead:...
[quote]Debt is a big one for me personally. President’s are spending like crazy to get votes for the last 20 years.[/quote] Correct, but it has been more than 20 years. It started with Ronnie in 1980 when he went deep into debt to overcompensate for the oil shocks of the 70's....
[quote]New Star Wars show has gone gay?[/quote] The first Star Wars was gay, just less obvious The two robots were a couple and male Luke and Han were gay but Leila bearded for them The Emperor and Vader were gay and pretty butch and into leather...
[quote]Tennessee will win the World Series[/quote] Unless you confess to being a Pio alter, you have no effect....