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Registered on:5/7/2012
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[quote]We didnt have a tv growing up. Encyclopedias and maps were my entertainment when I wasnt out playing ball.[/quote] I was just thinking this morning about what a gift boredom was when I was a child. I ended up reading encyclopedias and history books. Now kids are inundated with 24-7 TV cho...
I didn't realize Open Field Doctrine was a thing. Now I'm pissed....
Not everyone is doing that shite. Just the ones who don't know how to manage their money. The ones that get me are the ones that complain about money being tight and then go on two family cruises per year. (Carnival of course.)...
Godammit! Consumables are one of the main things I'm looking forward to enjoying in retirement....
Modern America is oversaturated with restaurants and fast food. Inflation plus inflated wages of fast food workers is going to reduce those numbers to something more reasonable....

re: Baldwin County celebration

Posted by LSUBFA83 on 5/13/24 at 12:57 pm
Not newsworthy because it wasn't a white guy with a rifle....
They're fruits who identify as vegetables....

re: Ya boy Eric got a new whip

Posted by LSUBFA83 on 5/11/24 at 9:22 pm
Only a moron would be surprised that happened....
When I was an LSU student living in an apartment in Tigerland I woke up one morning to find a biker passed out on the floor of my living room. We just went about our day until his friends could come retrieve him....
This is the literal meaning of the punchline "you only have to run faster than your buddy."...

re: A twist on school shenanigans

Posted by LSUBFA83 on 5/10/24 at 3:28 pm
[quote]What piece of shite middle schooler drinks out of the teacher’s water bottle.[/quote] The kind that drives a teacher to drink....
How is the bell curve woke? Thought they were against numbers and facts. There will always be a median intelligence with a few highs and lows and most people somewhere in the middle. Now, whether or not the historical 100 is still the average IQ can be up for debate....

re: Things a man should know

Posted by LSUBFA83 on 5/9/24 at 8:50 pm
[quote]how to take a cinder out of his eye, how to deal with a severed artery,[/quote] That escalated quickly....
I've seen those advertised for elderly patients or people with Parkinson's. That's probably who it was designed for. Not fatasses....
Veterans have been getting benefits from this settlement since 1984. And veteran's survivors are eligible as well. My father qualified and my mother receives his benefits after he passed away. We had trouble trying to get online approval so we went to a local VA office in Gonzales and the caseworker...
This is why our kids can't have nice things....
This guy deserves the rioting and protesting....
Pretty cool. From your thread title I thought you were at a Chinese restaurant. :lol:...
[quote]Having these organizations where only one gender is the primary focus is good for mental health[/quote] Exactly. Being able to camp out with the guys...even if it's just sitting around the fire and telling fart jokes...not having to worry about everything you say because there are girls ar...