Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
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Registered on:9/29/2005
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Guessing Ben Savage is still under control by his wife....

re: Apple responds to Antitrust suit...

Posted by Dam Guide on 5/30/24 at 11:53 am
[quote]This doesn't work. Messaging involves you and another person. I can't simply use what I want, because in order for the other person to get it they have to be using it as well. Doesn't matter what the rest of the world is doing. In the US phone number to phone number is the primary means of me...
[quote]I didn't say I liked it, I just said it's current reality in that industry.[/quote] I agree with that :lol:...
[quote]The point was, the government ALREADY tells companies how they have to operate on many different levels. How is this any different? (hint: it isn't)[/quote] At what point does it become different for you? Some of us don't like seeing the government use it's power to see how far they can g...
[quote]So your argument is to make everyone use multiple platforms?[/quote] No, my point is use what you want to use, this doesn't require government interference. Competition is there, there are multiple options for everyone to use. The needed regulatory stuff is built into SMS/MMS. ...
[quote]So adopt them. Don’t force Android into old tech. [/quote] Adopt what? I rarely use text messaging. SMS/MMS is used because it is effective in what it does through the carrier. It's not going to be retired for awhile. Adopt other forms of messaging that are as cutting edge like the rest...
[quote]Apple loyalist have been conditioned to think this is some kind of competition where they win a prize if at the end of the day apple wins "the phone wars". This is a phenomenon Freud calls narcissism of minor differences. You see it in Xbox v. Playstation, Ford v. Chevy, how to boil crawfish ...
[quote]Apple can adopt RCS and still have green bubbles. It’s the sms that’s the issue for me. If Apple can not adopt another tech outside of sms then yes, they need to open up iMessage. [/quote] Why? There are all kinds of internet based messaging services out there. SMS/MMS is unique, eve...
It would take a big culture and leadership change. They are content to throw away money for the message as it is right now. Someone like Favreau could do it if they left him to do his thing and take it in the direction he wants, but they rather make the toxic fans mad instead of telling good s...
Old boomers doing everything they can to be buzzkills before they die off. ...
[quote]Bc Apple won’t allow the RCS from Android. They just use old arse SMS.[/quote] Apple is integrating RCS with plans to release it this year. This was announced last year. This is why this lawsuit is pretty dumb over it. I suspect it will be in the usually big iOS updates with release of a...
[quote]iMessage is going to be hard to explain. Europe is already putting the heat on Apple. Apple has become anti-competitive than IBM or Microsoft ever were.[/quote] It's going to be easy for them to explain, they already announced they were working on incorporating RCS. Europe isn't who i...

re: Apple responds to Antitrust suit...

Posted by Dam Guide on 5/27/24 at 12:50 pm
[quote]Just huwei[/quote] ZTE as well...

re: Kaiju Preservation Society

Posted by Dam Guide on 5/26/24 at 6:07 pm
[quote]You are thinking of Kaiju: Battlefield Surgeon by Matt Dinniman.[/quote] Ah yeah, good catch, mixed up on that one....

re: Apple responds to Antitrust suit...

Posted by Dam Guide on 5/24/24 at 10:24 pm
[quote]The real problem is the carriers. They limit competition among manufacturers. That is why we have less choices available than they do in overseas markets. [/quote] Some of that is government banned import of some China brands too....
All this race baiting and trolling is just to drive up viewership in an awful product. Hard pass, wish it would all go away....

re: Sci-Fi baws: How is Babylon 5?

Posted by Dam Guide on 5/21/24 at 5:08 pm
Loved B5, way more than DS9. Worth a watch for sure. I wasn't a fan of the ranger spinoff series. [quote]Londo and G'Kar[/quote] Show wouldn't be what it is without those two [quote]No. It was pitched as a Star Trek series, originally. There are hard feelings (good chance Paramount rip...
Atlanta has gotten a lot worse, but it's not anywhere in the realm of how bad NOLA is though. My bias makes me give NOLA the better food though. Atlanta still has some great spots to eat....

re: My dog passed last night

Posted by Dam Guide on 5/20/24 at 10:22 am
Sorry for your loss, lost mine to lymphoma two weeks ago today. Not much is worse than losing a dog. Look at the pictures you have of them and remember the good times. ...