Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
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Registered on:6/20/2012
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Ball don’t lie

Posted by FenrirTheBeard on 5/25/24 at 4:34 pm
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[quote]Why don’t you quit your job and become a welfare queen if it such an easy life, internet tough guy?[/quote] You sound unhinged, seek help. ...
[quote]bullshite. People have been telling this same story since I was a kid. Let me guess...you saw them get into Mercedes in the parking lot too?[/quote] You’re fooling yourself if you think this doesn’t exist. ...

re: Do doves have pride?

Posted by FenrirTheBeard on 5/21/24 at 4:51 pm
Go home, Darrell. You’re drunk...
[quote]So because he didn’t have the same world view as you, he’s a problem? Sounds like he was a well-adjusted and believed his truth. You sound like someone who is intolerant of allowing others to believe in what they will. You might be the problem.[/quote] :lol: ...
[quote]So you are in agreement with the pro-palestinian protestors who are calling for an end to US aid to Israel? Thats what the ME sorting its own shite out looks like....[/quote] I could’ve clarified that better, but no, that’s not what I mean. I think Israel has a right to protect itself from...
[quote]So you got triggered by a book. Fascinating[/quote] Triggered? Nah I think the ME needs to sort its shite out on their own. What I do find fascinating is much of the ME is open about their desire for genocide against the Israelis/Jews and people seem to forget that the last person who w...
[quote]little braxxlyn[/quote] :lol: She’s definitely on the travel softbawl team...
[quote] You should just mind your own business.[/quote] Title of the thread is: “…an observation” not “…an intervention.” You sound like the kind of guy who likes to watch his wife get railed by another dude while sitting in the corner sucking your thumb. ...
I consider myself to be a lucky person. I have a profession which allows me to see much of the world, its people, and its cultures. Today, I think I had more “culture” than I could’ve possibly wanted. Upon landing at a domestic airport, I saw a child of possible 10 years, with a bowl cut and pur...
Post the damn pic in the thread like a human being. ...
I drove through a sketchy neighborhood late one night when I was 17. Unmarked car pulls me over on a busy street. 2 cops rush my car with guns drawn. Asked me a couple questions, saw I was a dorky young white dude clearly not buying crack, and let me go. ...
Peptides. Increases my focus 350%...