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re: D-Day related Items I own.

Posted by 14&Counting on 6/6/24 at 8:11 pm
[quote]4,1,3,2[/quote] :pimp:...
MAGA Barbie is losing because she is a clown ...
[quote]Why is it he has to report in July?[/quote] It’s a four month sentence so keeps him muzzled through the campaign ...
lol what? For the rest of his life Trump can’t speak of it?...
Yesterday to my landscaping guy...
[quote]What about black people? I was told they don't know how to get an I.D.[/quote] So voter ID shouldn't be a problem right?...
[quote]Why didn’t Rand stop it when he’s part of Congress??[/quote] Why didn't Trump stop it when he was POTUS? Deficit exploded under Trump FACT...
[quote]Rand is a good dude and Id vote for him for President, but his vote and endorsement wont matter if he doesn't give either. His points are valid, but go figure a politician making it about himself and whats in it for him.[/quote] :rotflmao: Why is asking Trump to go the record about the...
All blacks want is “equity” and Biden will give it to them Trump will do better but it’s same old story ...
[quote]Trump should hire the author of this article and task him and others with shutting down this aspect of all NGOs[/quote] Miller is on it ...
[quote]CNN gonna apologize for lying now?[/quote] Well it could have been Russian disinformation :dunno: ...
[quote]Funny how all.of that starts in 2021[/quote] [img]https://images.axios.com/FoBMxmSvKB1P5X0uTTOOnymrRZ0=/0x0:2212x1659/1024x768/2024/06/01/1717258302993.jpg[/img]...
[quote]The whole family is deeply disturbing, [/quote] It really is...... Compare that to Trump's kids who are basically well adjusted adults,,,,,tells you al lot about Joe...
Millions of Americans are without any representation whatsoever Amazing rant bro……I’m with you Fauci - 1 MTG- 0...
An opportunity to give Fauci more rope to hang himself and get him on the record. How hard is that to fricking understand? Nothing is going to happen until there is a new administration and an AG willing to take it on……but you have to give them reasons to take it on. There is a reason why De...
I like MTG too and I am just as pissed off…....but she doesn’t know what she is doing and that was bad. She blew an important opportunity because she is basically a lightweight. ...
No the point is you have Fauci in front of Congress testifying under the threat of perjury. You spend that time getting him on the record defending his actions so when there is a change in Administration you have further ammo to hit him with perjury charges. MTG wasted that opportunity and Fauci...
You’re a fool if you think that was a good performance by MTG. I don’t know what you watched but it was laughable. The way you handle it is to get up there and dismantle his narrative with the facts…. if she would have stuck to the facts with aggressive questioning she would have done some damage. R...
She sounded like an emotional idiot questioning Fauci and completely out of her league in taking him on…..which should have been a lay-up. I was pumped to hear her question him and it was so bad. She is the MAGA version of AOC. ...
[quote]He's not the president we deserve.[/quote] He kind of is……...