Favorite team:Georgia St. 
Number of Posts:4514
Registered on:9/7/2012
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[quote]Bury your head in the sand if you want, but saying it can’t happen again is outright foolishness,[/quote] I'm burying my head in the sand? Here's their own statistics: [link=(https://www.destatis.de/EN/Themes/Society-Environment/Population/Migration-Integration/Tables/foreigner-age-groups.ht...
[quote]Until the day they decide to not take it anymore. Then you will see the most efficient mass deportation/round-up since the mid 40’s.[/quote] No I won't. ...
As a kid in NE Alabama, I remember the smell of freshly churned up dirt & a light rain from my grandparents' garden. I was there last year at a gas station next to a field whose dirt had just been churned up & it lightly raining. I hadn't smelled it for decades & took me back to there instantly. Som...
They're too soft these days & will continue to take it....
[quote]collection was built with OPM (other people’s money). If I didn’t find it at a sale, I was buying it off eBay using money I made from garage sales.[/quote] I did something similar back in the early 2000s. I wanted to restore an old car but couldn't afford to. I started going to a pull it you...

re: Brawl at kindergarten graduation

Posted by Kraut Dawg on 5/26/24 at 4:01 am
If only she'd waited until ALL names were called to offer her applause....
[quote]The entirety of the Metro ATL, absolutely dumps on NOLA and even comparing the two laughable.[/quote] North & south metro Atlanta at roughly the I-20 line (and north around I-285) is like two different countries. Look at a map of metro Atlanta. On I-20 W to E, go from Douglasville to Cov...

re: The economy is just broken

Posted by Kraut Dawg on 5/19/24 at 11:31 am
Proverbs 22:7...The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Too many people today don't go to work to build anything, they go just to survive until the next round of payments are due. Everything's just another payment now. You'll own nothing & be happy. Sure, mort...
Once again they show that their mantra of inclusiveness is a lie. Their accusations against others is mere projection. They continue to show that they're intolerant of one having a different thought. They're the actual cultists....
[quote]Has absolutely nothing to do with the above.[/quote] Has absolutely everything to do with the above. Public support is less of an indicator of who has momentum to win an election when there is blatant voter fraud working in the shadows. ...
[quote]Rallies don’t decide elections I know it’s hard for you people to understand that.[/quote] My parents left GA in the early 2010s. In Nov 2020, on both of their GA Sec of State voter pages, their absentee ballots were marked "received." They did not submit absentee ballots in GA in 2020. N...
Your source (for Germany at least) is a little dated. They're estimating closer to 6 million Muslims here now. Birth rates are almost two for every Muslim woman & about 1.25 for every ethnic German woman. With the population here being largely older ethnic Germans & dying off soon, those birth ra...
[quote]At least until the Islamic State of Germany is established.[/quote] Two Saturdays ago I was sitting outside a store here & started counting. About 1 in 4 women were wearing a hijab. Before some leftist says "it was only 1 in 4," keep in mind that these women had multiple children with th...

re: My last three scores

Posted by Kraut Dawg on 4/16/24 at 11:23 am
91, 88, then 94 in March -------------------- 105, 109, then stopped counting in April My iron play, wedges, & putting have all improved this year. My last three rounds I've lost 6, 8, & 11 balls all off the tee. Par 3 irons at the tee are fine. My driver's killing me. I started getting dis...
I'd love to see the Jackie Robinson movie with a White actor. They need to do another WW2 movie where the White actors are flying the P51s with red tails & the black actors are all wearing swastikas & hats with skulls on them while putting Jews behind barbed wire. It's time for infomercials to...
[quote]Raise my price to compensate? And completely price myself out of the market?! Would you buy a fricking $17 Margarita?[/quote] Nope. Nor would I pay $12 for a margarita just to add on a $5 tip. And with the way things are going, unfortunately it looks like it's getting tougher for others to d...

re: Alabama academics

Posted by Kraut Dawg on 4/7/24 at 4:31 am
[quote]I know UA has been very generous with scholarships.[/quote] Not directly at you cdur, but based on my own ignorance of being offered scholarships. How does it even work? My wife & I are both UA grads, but did it w/o scholarships. Is it literally as simple as going to afford.ua.edu/scho...