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Registered on:10/7/2012
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[quote]Sunshine Residential Homes is Arizona's largest provider of group homes, which are one of the last resorts for placing a child who has been removed from their parent. The company was the only one to receive a special rate increase during Hobbs' tenure, while about a dozen other similar reques...
[quote]I am doubtful as of now that this is accurate[/quote] Shut up, fig. ...
[quote]Now that pandora has opened her box, what's to stop Bukele from using his newfound powers to just lock up his political opposition?[/quote] How is that different than what the Democrats are doing now?...
It looks like you’re assuming that they’re actually trying to track unemployment numbers. I just assume that they are releasing propaganda....
[quote]as a lifelong spineless beauocrat [/quote] Don’t mistake malpractice for spinelessess. He wasn’t spineless. He wasn’t in effective he did exactly what he wanted to do....
I think it’s the last four years that has had an effective net increase of zero jobs for American born workers. ...

re: The Fauci phone call recording

Posted by the808bass on 6/6/24 at 1:23 pm
This is the ultimate rebuttal to anyone who claims the Government didn’t mandate the vaccine. What’s the difference between mandating and coercing? Not much. ...
[quote]American Community Survey numbers instead of census population numbers. [/quote] You just made that up. Like you make up everything else. ...
Let’s play this game again where you can’t understand a fricking sentence and call other people dumb. There are dozens of counties that have more registered voters than eligible voters in the state of Michigan alone. We could repeat that for other states. But we’ll stick with Michigan. Al...
[quote]especially Church’s Chicken [/quote] Republicans are racists. ...
[quote]I shook it off like it was nothing in Jan of 2020.[/quote] Amazing. Where did you get your Covid test?...
[quote]2020 Total Deaths US (jan - week 9/26): 2,130,000 (236,000/month) https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Weekly-Counts-of-Deaths-by-State-and-Select-Causes/muzy-jte6 [/quote] Where did you copy/paste your data from? The provisional death totals from the CDC for 2020 are over 3,000,000. ...
[quote]So what accounts for the excess mortality in 2020?[/quote] Covid. Mostly. Some increase in dementia deaths, likely in part due to isolation. Some increase in run of the mill mortality affected by lack of use/access to routine healthcare caused by the pandemic and the response to th...
[quote]I'm sorry the media has done this to you. [/quote] Tex is a moron ex nihilo. She is not dependent on outside sources. ...
I can tell you what it doesn’t show. It doesn’t show that vaccinated people had better outcomes once they were hospitalized than unvaccinated people with respect to mortality. So they lied to us again. ...
[quote]There are no particulars.[/quote] There’s plenty of particulars. Here’s a particular. In Michigan in Wayne County, the ballots cast didn’t balance with the vote totals. The Republicans who were to certify the votes voted to certify the votes on the condition that there would ...
[quote]No[/quote] Good. You largely agree with Citizens United. ...