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Registered on:11/4/2012
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[quote]This is very sad. We are literally seeing a civilization cease to exist. [/quote] To the profiteers and globalists, it’s only a tool and a means to an end. Hundreds of thousands dead are mere statistics. [quote]We are trying to ensnare them in a forever war and blocking all possibilities of...
[quote]Joe Biden was a terrible, soulless person BEFORE his son died.[/quote] Hyperbole. His conscience may be seared (and perhaps has been for a long time) as with a hot iron, but his immortal soul is in eternal peril because of his actions. Lying or mistaking his son’s death is not so wor...
[quote]Zelenski said, if the U.S. gave him another 200 Billion, he could buy some reserves waiting to cross our border from Mexico.[/quote] [quote] They say for half a billion they could do it right Bomb all day and burn all night Until there's not a living thing upright in El Salvador ...
[quote]I’m starting to believe that Biden truly believes his son died in war. Jill and Hunter are probably just telling him that so he can sleep peacefully at night that his son died a war hero.[/quote] I’m beginning to think this too. His son’s death seems a raw wound that’s uppermost in his mind....
[quote]I'd argue that young kids are more inclined to be tolerant and kind to each other. [/quote] I’ve raised five. I’d argue otherwise. They don’t need to be taught to be selfish, self centered, rebellious, and quarrelsome. It’s built in. The trick is to teach, encourage and mold them to control ...
[quote]Sometimes I drive by those pro-life protestors and wonder how many kids they've adopted or why they don't spend their time helping out at orphanages. [/quote] . What are your credentials in those arenas? How do you know they haven’t or don’t? Why don’t you pull over sometime and join t...
[quote][b]Climate activists [i]quickly collared[/i] at Westminster Dog Show[/b][/quote] Such a fine headline should be publicly given credit. Very nice.:Lol:...
[img]https://www.pioneeringminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/churchill-big-1440x960.jpg[/img]“You’re a coward.” “You wear a mask.” “Take your mask off you wanker.” :Lol:...
[quote]If Zelensky even allows an election to be held. He’s already criminalized political opposition and has delayed elections. Or maybe he could be like Abe Lincoln and deploy the military to polling places to intimidate them.[/quote] Has a nice flavor. Let’s send James Carville over there to hel...
[quote]Robert Kennedy Jr Confirms He Supports Abortions Up to Birth: “Even if It’s Full Term”[/quote] But don’t vaccinate them if they make out of the free fire zone of their mothers’ wombs. What an insufferable prick....
[quote]No Elmer Bernstein? [/quote] Or Henry Mancini....
[quote]Please make this make sense.[/quote] What’s inconsistent with his practice of his purported faith? He’s okay with industrial scale child sacrifice here in America and abetting child trafficking and human sex trade with his open border policies. Why not side with terrorists? The way you po...
Yes. I miss spinning solutions out of the ether. Preventing the train wreck nobody else sees coming. Beating the snot out of the competition. Mediating between my boss, architects, engineers, general contractors, and customers, all with unrealistic expectations and implacable wills. The lack ...
Oh Brother Where Art Thou (upvote) The Big Lebowski (downvote) [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2Fd044f85e077b972782ce9cd905efbf08%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D7937143&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=0cf5bcbdadd6ad8117ab36dc37593b9296b84ecd6b085e27b23934c196f7e...
You should be encouraged. Memories. …of what you ate for breakfast in third grade!:Lol: Polyp will be removed. Folks are praying for you. You’ll get this squared away....
[quote]She'll outlast Bobby Sands with that head start.[/quote]:LOL: First thing I thought too. I wondered how many remembered Maggie Thatcher’s response to hunger strikes....

re: C.S, Lewis

Posted by Mr. Misanthrope on 5/4/24 at 10:47 pm
[quote]That Hideous Strength seems to apply to our modern day even more than when it was written. [/quote] Probably my favorite novel and one of my favorites of his. [i]That Hideous Strength[/i] was prophetic. [quote]Isn't it absolutely essential to keep a fierce Left and fierce Right, both on thei...
[quote][i]Touch of Evil [/i][/quote] Great choice. The unnerving tension built up with so many people at risk totally unaware of the presence of danger is so well done by Wells. Because of the revelation midway through the film of the poignant emotional and sentimental significance of the Toby M...
[quote]I only found out the other day that the Triumph that Fonzie road on Happy Days was the motorcycle from The Great Escape.[/quote]I didn’t know that until now. Great bit of lore. :Cheers:...
Not sure which is most rewatched. Maybe these. 5. White Christmas 1. The Thirteenth Warrior 4. The Great Escape 2. Lawrence Of Arabia 3. In Harm’s Way ...