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Registered on:12/1/2012
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[quote]Judge not lest ye all be judged.[/quote]Keep quoting the rest of the text. The standard we will all be judged by is God's Word, and we can go there right now to see what that standard requires of us and the leaders of the Church. [quote]Yes we welcome everyone no questions asked.[/quote]Th...
The Bible: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" Methodist Pagans: "White, gender-fluid, gay, they/their, adult"...
[quote]muh install periods!!![/quote]It's a vaild point for 2020. The more experience and cohesion a team has, the better they tend to be. It's why upperclassmen returning to play another season instead of going to the draft is usually a big deal. That's especially true at the QB position, where hav...
[quote]Ah yes, the bi-weekly Catholic bashing thread[/quote]It'd be nice to be able to have a civil conversation about that issue without the thread being shut down....
Guy doesn't care about the border. He spent almost his entire first term fighting to open it and let the floods come through. This is entirely a campaign tactic....
[quote]Of course it is. Not everyone claims they have a god to season things for them.[/quote]That's true, and when people don't have God's moral law as the basis for their moral framework, they are left with subjectivity. That would be fine as far as it goes if not for the fact that very few people...
[quote]"Everyone should fall in line with my flavor of morality."[/quote]Yeah, that's reality. Everyone is fighting for their own flavor of morality, except that those who adhere to moral relativism don't actually act that way when push comes to shove....
The compact is ridiculous. It completely ignores the will of the people of a particular state. If your state voted 100% for the loser of the popular vote, they would be forced to "support" the candidate that no one voted for by designating electors based on what all other states wanted....
Virtue must be grounded in something outside the human experience otherwise virtue becomes whatever seems right to each person. It's past time this country pursued biblical virtue....

re: Holy art thou, O Lord

Posted by FooManChoo on 5/31/24 at 6:57 am
Amen and amen. A nation that does not recognize Christ as Lord and seek to live obediently to His Word by faith should not expect His blessing. We live in a nation that continues to distance itself from anything Christian and embraces the religion of secular humanism where man is lifted up as God. ...
[quote]Bible Alone has failed and is proven to be a flawed invention of a few human beings.[/quote]False. It has not failed because it is a truth from God, laid out in His Word which has been given to the Church. The only infallible rule for faith and life is God's unchanging Word. [quote]We know...
I hope every single one of these people repent of their blasphemy and embracing of those things which God hates....
[quote]The realist view of sola scriptura and what it did to Christendom was to erode the Church's role in daily life and society, and to instead promote the state as the dominant force in man's life.[/quote]Sin happens. That isn't the fault of the Scriptures or an assent to the Scriptures being the...
[quote]And yet, when he translated it for the "common German" (who could not read) he did so by removing books and by denigrating other books in his personal writings.[/quote]What books did he remove from his German Bible? If you're referring to the Apocrypha, he had those in his translation. He jus...
I'm thoroughly disappointed the other thread was removed. :banghead: [quote]Nobody made this argument. We Catholics assert that Peter was made the vicar of Christ when Jesus gave him the keys, alluding to the steward of the Davidic kingdom having the keys, and thus, essentially running the kingdo...
[quote][quote]When Calvin, Luther, Zwingli, muntzer, and their fellow travellers turned everyone into the keeper of their own "personal truth", they fundamentally broke the mold for western order which was built on an understanding of external, observed truth. Man became magisterium instead of submi...
[quote]An admission that Catholicism was first, and therefore, the church that Jesus established and granted [b]infallibility and indefectability.[/b][/quote]I admitted no such thing. The Church that Jesus established didn't have a single Pope in Rome because the Church hadn't spread to Rome. The Ch...
[quote]Champagne[/quote]You keep using the same tired logical fallacies. Maybe you should try some new logical fallacies, because you certainly don't have the truth on your side :cheers:...
[quote]This is my point. At one moment in time, there were no denominations within denominations. One was either (as far as Protestants go) Lutheran, Anglican, or Presbyterian. Then, as each man became his own arbiter of truth and came up with doctrines which conflict with the teachings of the denom...