Favorite team:US Marine Corps 
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Registered on:12/8/2012
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[quote]So you really think Boston is winning because of the calls? Are you retarded? Oh wait, you’re a Dallas fan. No need to answer.[/quote] I don’t give a shite about either of these teams but the refs have absolutely gifted Boston with over a dozen points in the last few minutes between phantom...
[quote]Glad you have the script. Can’t wait to be 2-0.[/quote] I mean looking pretty spot on and NBA officiating isn’t exactly something that can be called respectable or on the “up and up”...
4 tictac fouls on lively in 5 minutes is impressive as is suddenly calling traveling in the nba :lol: Mavs absolutely mugged by Boston and nothing lmao clown show...
Don’t care much for the NBA or either of these teams but wonder how much closer it would be if the refs weren’t calling every little brush of skin a foul against Dallas on Boston possessions. It’s obvious to a casual viewer. ...
A quick but descriptive read from the great Pyle who would himself die 10 months later on Ie Shima :usa: :bow: [link=(https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2024/06/06/what-they-left-behind-ernie-pyle-recalls-the-carnage-of-omaha-beach/?utm_source=sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=...
[quote]Yeah, those selfies are so worth it in the long run. WTF is wrong with people with their need for such things?????[/quote] Saw a teenage kid swan dive to his death while attempting to take a selfie on the going to the sun road at Glacier. Stepped over a railing with a sign that clear...

re: 10 cent beer night. Great idea?

Posted by Drank on 6/5/24 at 6:52 pm
Point Ten of a Cent beer night? Man that could get dangerous...

re: What did the Romans use it for?

Posted by Drank on 6/3/24 at 12:32 pm
[quote]Didn't they throw those in the middle of battlefields to try and get the Carthaginian war elephants to step on them?[/quote] Those were Caltrops and shaped very differently. nasty little things. [img]https://historicjamestowne.org/wp-content/uploads/caltrops.jpg[/img] [img]https://ww...

re: These WNBA thugs hate Caitlin Clark

Posted by Drank on 6/2/24 at 7:54 am
[quote]No one knew who Sabrina Ionescu was a few years ago. She was just another good basketball player.[/quote] That’s just not true at all. Post Kobe death she was the ‘star’ that would carry on his name in women’s basketball… whatever that means. I didn’t/don’t know shite about women’s basketb...

re: These WNBA thugs hate Caitlin Clark

Posted by Drank on 6/1/24 at 10:53 pm
I member when Ionescu was gonna save the “league” a few years ago. I member when Clark was gonna save the “league” a few weeks ago. The grift is the same. The result is the same. The reason is the same....

re: Where to shop in Atlanta?

Posted by Drank on 6/1/24 at 10:45 pm
[quote]GTFOH with this shite :lol: [/quote] :lol: :cheers:...
peanuts and raisins and a cherry limeade Waterloo. Listening to some early to mid 90’s country thanks to another thread. Life is good tonight TD fam. :cheers:...
[quote]You guys here to hear some country music. Because they don't play it much on the radio anymore." [/quote] :bow: Y’all gonna raise hell when he plays Vidalia. ...
[quote]Does Colin Raye have any decent songs that aren’t cheesy heartstring tugging ballads[/quote] That’s My Story was a great song as was Little Red Rodeo at the time Neither were ballads but since you mentioned it I went back and looked and yea he had a ton of ballads that were awesome not g...

re: Where to shop in Atlanta?

Posted by Drank on 6/1/24 at 9:17 pm
[quote]Where to shop in Atlanta?[/quote] Anywhere. You’re fine dude. The places that would get you ‘in trouble’ you most likely wouldn’t go anyway. Will “they” be there? Absolutely. Will “they” be annoying? Absolutely. Will “you” be ok? Absolutely. Dumb thread. The Atlanta hate on here is hila...
[quote]Kinder, gentler Simon sucks. Above average karaoke singer, but not great. Sorry, he gets voted off the island or whatever they do.[/quote] Simon’s “people” have researched and auditioned this guy for months or longer. This performance and all performances on this show and many like these ...
Hiram Granbury was a pretty damn solid commander in the Western Theater during the Atlanta Campaign and ACW as a whole. Not sure how he’d feel about an airport, but he’s been dead for a long time. That’s all I got...
Damnit that’s a great line up down memory lane. Collin Raye can flat out sing. They all have huge hits. Tippin’s nasally voice was annoying but “That’s as close as I’ll get” , “Stars and Stripes and Eagles Fly (or whatever it’s called), Nothing Wrong with the Radio etc were all great though. Colli...

re: These WNBA thugs hate Caitlin Clark

Posted by Drank on 6/1/24 at 8:07 pm
Hopefully a chubby yet extremely talented pasty white kid from Ljubljana becomes the face of the NBA, the actual league that sheds millions of dollars for this grifting social club of bitter women that even women have no interest in watching, after he wins his first NBA championship in a week or so....