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Registered on:11/19/2005
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[quote] Ironic that after all of these years and efforts, turns out minorities are the ones now wanting seperate but equal.[/quote] Separate yes but not equal; they are all for eliminating whitey from everything ...
[quote]He would be out mid-September with tremendous momentum. Go ahead and make his day DOJ. Assuming he doesn't "hang himself" during a camera outage.[/quote] Or shank himself...
Too late Lindsey. Tehran just announced they have nuclear weapons....
You can add to that list the commie cuck and his commie wife that founded Code Pink....
[quote]Indictment is for 600 thousand dollars from Azerbaijan that was delivered through holding companies in Mexico City[/quote] PEMEX connection?...
Wait a minute. So you mean they’re not wholesome protesters? Weird that our resident progs described them that way....
[quote]If someone says something that hurt someones feeling, can the person with hurt feelings justify attacking the person saying it by saying he "was trying to incite violence"?[/quote] I don't think so, but let's see if our resident know all chimes in....
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[quote]but when they start blocking people from accessing areas, and, in some cases, detaining and injuring people, well that should be met with accountability - but accountability for actions, not speech[/quote] Except when the speech is intended to incite violence...
[quote]To get an anti war protest confused with a Jewish hate protest is amazing[/quote] :lol: [img]https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/protester-final-solution-sign-threatens-80722728.jpg?resize=1536,2048&quality=75&strip=all[/img]...
[quote]Victoria Hinckley is a junior also focusing on sociology and gender studies at USF.[/quote] Strange how we don’t hear about engineering students engaging in this nonsense....

re: Jewish mom calls UCLA security

Posted by jlc05 on 5/1/24 at 8:37 am
[quote]It's disgusting that you show your face around here honestly. fricking pedophile.[/quote] Big mad Jew hater!...

re: Jewish mom calls UCLA security

Posted by jlc05 on 5/1/24 at 8:24 am
[quote]'m surprised they let you and bourre post here considering the fact that you're both pedophiles[/quote] Lol, there’s that projection...

re: Jewish mom calls UCLA security

Posted by jlc05 on 5/1/24 at 8:08 am
He’s big mad, as should be all the Jew haters...
[quote]Which republican speficially could beat him?[/quote] Expect crickets...

re: Jewish mom calls UCLA security

Posted by jlc05 on 4/30/24 at 6:30 pm
Achtung, wir haben hier einen Judenhasser....

re: Jewish mom calls UCLA security

Posted by jlc05 on 4/30/24 at 6:28 pm
Are we talking about yellow wristbands?...