Favorite team:US Space Force 
Location:Lifting at Tobin's house
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Registered on:3/8/2013
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I haven't seen a dago get beaten this bad since Rocky III...
PBD is the quintessential gaudy Persian weirdo...
Is this one of those $5000 rigs that you see in magazines and think "who the frick buys these"?...
Oh look. Another black female judge just throwing everything out the window and doing as she pleases. ...
[quote]No it isn’t, but it is the rule of the court to follow the constitution which it did not. Roe v Wade was absolutely constitutional it wasn’t until Trump started to pack the court with far right Christian nationalists did it change. This was 100% a political movement[/quote] :lol:...
[quote]Did I say anything about Russia? It’s amazing how many times you either deflect or use a whataboutism[/quote] Bro, you insisted that Russia got him elected because you believe stuff you hear people on tv say over and over no matter how retarded it is. Actually, the more retarded, the more li...
[quote] They’re not media talking points when they actually happened we have multiple video evidence of it but stick your head in the sand[/quote] Tell us how the Russians got Trump elected too :lol: Maybe the Ghost of Keeeeev can fly you to Snake Island :lol:...
[quote]Excuse me if I don’t take the word of a member of a fascist cult that thrives on racism and homophobia and supports a man who literally tried to hold members of Congress hostage in an effort to overturn a lawful election[/quote][img]https://media.tenor.com/SwkCv56Jsk4AAAAM/macho-redford.gif[/...
Your blend of ad nauseum media talking points and emotional moral grandstanding is [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952ga6zkq0veehzfhee5futhuzs8b0kk4zmv5i8s307&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]well that's all they have on Biden too. so it's good enough to use to accuse Biden but hypocritical to use on Trump now? can't have it both ways![/quote] So pointing to Biden bragging about withholding military aid to a country unless they fire the prosecutor investigating his son (which ...
[quote]This. The light just has to be switched on. When the collective has decided enough is enough, watch out.[/quote] Their fight is clearly with their own government and the cops, not the 3rd world savages that have been forced upon them. ...
[quote]Ah yes the story that didn’t happen[/quote] Yeah, people always write that in their personal diary...
[quote]producer claims"[/quote][quote]accused[/quote] :lol:...
[quote]Let's not push it. [/quote] The guy who molested his daughter and lied about his dead wife and child to get political points is totally a better person than the guy who cheated on his wife....
[quote]Yeah, “finding” isn’t the same as creating or rigging. When you say “Go find it” implies that you think it exists. And yes, it is in your First Amendment right to question an election. I fully believe that Trump believes that the election was stolen. fricking Hillary says it all the time about...
[quote]History says that they are.....until they're not.[/quote] Nah, the Germans are pretty well done. They're just waiting to be overrun....
[quote]Was literally the happiest day of my life, yet there is still so much work to be done. If we can somehow pack the Court, abolish the Electoral College, and put a pro abortion/ pro LGBTQ+ amendment IN the Bill of Rights, we can save democracy.[/quote]Most won't appreciate this post, but I g...