Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Houston, TX
Biography:LSU Grad in 2000....
Interests:cocaine, hookers, rock n roll
Occupation:molecular testicular biological engineering assistant
Number of Posts:30308
Registered on:12/30/2005
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

When the shite hit the fan in my life, Carson Marcantel saved my life. He's a good man too. He's a judge these days though....
I wouldn’t be surprised if his fund raising site has ‘crashed’ due to the DNC hacking it to stop the swell of funds that is coming Trumps way....
I’ve been watching this all very closely. I have to make it to Boca Chica to see a launch soon. My work schedule keeps f’ing things up. Steady employment is so inconvenient....
[quote]The Brooks family and DA might have pulled the absolute worst judge in BR to hear this case. I'm sure the defendants are ecstatic.[/quote] If I read that correctly, her own son has been convicted of forcible rape. Hillar needs to rake her over the coals for dismissing that case of the 1...
[quote]often poor and majority-minority, that disproportionately bear the brunt of pollution impacts.[/quote] Hate working folks, I’m sure. So Let’s shut down the plant and lay off the 250 area residents that actually work for a living....
[quote]Not going to be a cheap show to attend. $500+ for two tickets yike[/quote] 2 floor tickets for 75+ fees each, standing room only. Citi card presale. Just bought two! Hell yeah!...
That’s my town. Always #1...
[quote]You spend a lot of time in the South I bet? Did you see the Libertarian convention the other night? [/quote] Yes, you’re correct. I spend all my time in the South. Do the Libertarians like Joe enough to vote for him though? Even if they sit out, I would think that Trump would still ...

re: Liberty Lagoon

Posted by supadave3 on 5/27/24 at 6:27 pm
That video hit all the vernacular high points. -chirren -respeckt -po-lice -out’chea I’ll give the woman her credit though, she was going to find her child. She had location on his phone was out to snatch his arse out of the ruckus. She also called out that disgusting behavior by that trash...
Damn near everyone in this he country hates Joe Biden. The Twitter bots and paid supporters will sometime post something positive about him and the comments are 95% bashing him. If he wins the election, it can only be by blatant cheating. frick Joe Biden...
[quote]even asked all the right questions, I put alot of hours in that bike to rebuild it. All it needed was the carb. Tuned. That's it my expertise ran out when it came to that. So people be careful. Thanks for listening.[/quote] What did he do? Take it for a test drive and not come back?...
We would have ran from the cops but never confront them like those kids did. Those kids are bold with a tendancy towards violence. It’s learned behavior and I don’t see how it’ll stop. Our inner city youth are a lost cause. ...
[quote]Que the st George losers who think everything will magically transform by a name change[/quote] It’s not the name change, idiot. It’s the people that live in the incorporated areas that work for a living and care about their children’s upbringing....

re: Early AM Shootings in Old Goodwood

Posted by supadave3 on 5/26/24 at 9:16 am
Here in Houston, we had some kids that looked like middle schoolers commit an armed robbery of a bank. They showed the surveillance video and they looked 15 years old max. If I'm not mistaken, they rode their bikes from the nearby neighborhood. At least they didn't carjack someone to get there....
That would be so freaking painful, but not a bad job to have occasionally....
[quote]Old porno mags that some kid found playing in the woods [/quote] We used to keep them in my friends clubhouse until those were found. Then we kept them in a doghouse I put backyard, near the woods. Haha...

re: Early AM Shootings in Old Goodwood

Posted by supadave3 on 5/26/24 at 8:58 am
RIP Amigo. If we follow the stats, he was likely killed by you know who. He’ll be missed by his family very much. His wife and kids likely depended on him financially. Same can’t be said about the statistical perps. They’re probably teenagers. I’d love to see the average age of violent offend...

re: Pig stand pork chops

Posted by supadave3 on 5/26/24 at 12:44 am
[quote]put a stick of butter in a pot with a jar of sauce. once it gets hot the butter or oil sits on top and you can just baste your meat. when its close to done i cover in sauce.[/quote] That's VillenPlatte BBQ. My family has cooked it that exact way my entire life. :cheers: Oh, and the ...
So what’s the correct answer?...
[quote]I see the day that James Comey is perp-walked straight to prison. [/quote] [quote]It's coming. When and how is unpredictable.[/quote] I pray that you’re correct but I have no faith that you are. They’ll never let him win. If he somehow does win, he’ll be under constant attack and it’l...