Favorite team:Missouri 
Number of Posts:615
Registered on:1/8/2014
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The Venn diagram of election truthers and people who get phished at work is a circle....
[quote]Funny thing about him is he’s visiting Oregon too you dipshits act like he’s coming automatically because he’s from instate . I am going to laugh my arse off when he chooses someone else …. Just another kid in Missouri who chose someone else but Missouri lol…[/quote] He chose Missouri....
[quote]Daniel Parker[/quote] Backup [quote]JJ Hester[/quote] Backup [quote]Dorial Beckham Green[/quote] Pushed his girlfriend down the stairs. Good job. ...

re: Trump on debt ceiling negotiations

Posted by MIZ_USA on 5/19/23 at 4:39 pm
[quote]And tell me what were the ramifications of the last time the government was "shut down"? A few folks got sent home without pay (which they got back pay for) and they put up caution tape at a few parks. [/quote] You’re talking about something completely different. If the debt ceiling isn’t ...
[quote]POTUS2024[/quote] Thanks for sharing, Comrade...
This board’s collective brain is broken. Putin is an enemy of the entirety of America. The only people calling you terrorists are blue haired psychos online who do not exist in real life. Log off and go outside....
Holy shite, you guys are brain-dead....
[quote]Why do I feel like people here would believe in the Tooth Fairy if Putin said it exists.[/quote] The deep state has concealed the Tooth Fairy’s existence for generations, we have all the evidence we need....
[quote]goldennugget[/quote] Seek help....
[quote]I bet that's why the Nazis named themselves National Socialists. [/quote] Do you also believe that North Korea is a democratic republic?...
[quote]you’re probably the biggest nut on this board.[/quote] A true achievement....
You’re allowed to take notes during a debate....
You’ve got to really have a screw loose if you’re throwing out an application because of someone’s Facebook friends....
FlexDawg, the Southeast’s most trusted authority on pharmaceutical drugs....
[quote]We've gone from it's not highly contagious and just don't touch your face[/quote] Link?...
This is logical on the NFL’s part, but this board’s collective brain has been shattered into a million pieces, so it makes sense that you’re all melting down....

re: .

Posted by MIZ_USA on 7/28/20 at 1:07 pm
[quote]The people caught between middle class and rich really get the shaft. The $200,000-350,000 earners just carrying the weight for all the poors around here[/quote] What you’re describing is roughly between the 95th and 98th percentile of U.S. incomes. You clearly want nothing more than to be a...
[quote]he took the bait. Wishing Maxwell well was the bait. Now they are talking about her but they think they will get Trump. But with Maxwell in the news it will lead to more reveals that will not get Trump but their friends.[/quote] What kind of delusional crap is this? Are you saying that M...