Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:3225
Registered on:6/10/2014
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Going wildly exteme on the fringe normalizes what's happening in the middle. ...
[quote]IMO, JM has the worst instincts of any major college QB I can remember. [/quote]Haven't seen that video of the Penn St QB have you? :lol: The problem is that for all his flaws we were one play away from playing for it all. It's no different than the QB on the bench is always better than...
Several hundred, maybe close to a grand. Redid my beds last year, added new boarder and raised them. This year I started seeds for what I wanted to plant instead of buying. Success rate wasn't great so next year I will modify that a bit. Eventually, other than refreshing soil and mulch I should ...
[quote]Obviously AI is nowhere near that currently[/quote]Wanna bet? [quote]How many people literally save voicemails because it's the last time they heard a friend or family member's voice?[/quote]I have many of my father's voice mails. Almost wish I didn't because they span a time frame suff...
Not really a revelation or negative. In the NIL world every open practice, scrimmage and game is an audition for potential transfers. This is the game now. ...
Ever had a cold/flu or other respiratory crud that, weeks later you remember yourself saying you just can't seem to shake it? Your answer is "Yes". Overwhelming majority of people have zero understanding of how their body works and what the long-term effects of diseases, even simple colds, can be....
[quote]He would have liked to seen Montana[/quote]Damnit. :lol:...
[quote]Is this real or is this April Fools?[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/9ec15194-8d49-4237-9082-60b95a374b71_text.gif[/img]...
Before loss #1 the vessel was off center for passing direcly under the center of the span. Why would you steer hard right coming out of loss #2 when you were already so close to the support? Why not set hard to port? Way too much inertia to go in reverse so I would have to assume someone panicked...
Interesting. There's been an unidentified neurological disease present in imported marine finfish (primarily wrasses) for the aquarium trade for several years now. The symptoms seem to be very similar to what is described here. ...
A fish only sw system is no more difficult than a fresh. Once you start adding corals the complexity rises but, depending on species it can be pretty easy. As a sw system ages it gets easier to maintain. I do mix my own water. It’s cheaper to mix it than buy it once you get into larger systems...
'92 was my first really engaged memory. Game was played during the rehearsal dinner for my brother's wedding. We were ordered by the bride/groom (LSU alumns) to ignore the game. There's a pic somewhere of my family sitting at the table with them and her entire family is in the bar watching the ga...

re: What makes a human?l

Posted by Bamadiver on 3/9/24 at 10:51 pm
Place your hand in the box[img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Q4DsxAB3BhIzzTu7HlOMul7CGLY=/0x0:1253x591/1200x800/filters:focal(527x196:727x396)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/67376586/dune_box_pain_fear_mindkiller.0.jpg[/img]...

re: SOTU In Game Thread

Posted by Bamadiver on 3/7/24 at 9:29 pm
That was his promise going into the last election ...
It's awesome hearing "Roll Tide" around the world. Gotten them in Great Britain, Mexico and the Phillippines. I'd freak to see a dedicated shop like this. :pimp: ...
[quote]But you also have to protect yourself from these prosecutors and liberal judges. Hope this helps[/quote] Legislators also passed a bill providing a level of immunity from civil liability for someone who holds a concealed carry permit and uses their firearm to shoot a person in self-defense...
Great stuff! Beautiful trout too. :cheers:...