Favorite team:Chicago Cubs 
Number of Posts:13924
Registered on:6/24/2014
Online Status:Not Online

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Halo is my favorite game of all time. I’d take the chance on getting Parkinson’s for the chance to become an un-killable machine ...
Skyrim for sure. In a Halo world, I'd definitely become a Spartan. The fricked up side of my brain thinks I'd relatively thrive in a Fallout world :lol:...
Might as well throw the gif in here since y'all have the sentiment covered [img]https://media.tenor.com/KfUSmN8zYRMAAAAM/frick-fyou.gif[/img] ...

re: Fish are shrinking

Posted by JetsetNuggs on 5/8/24 at 1:05 pm
[quote][b]Overfishing is known to reduce fish sizes[/b] — fish are larger in protected marine areas — but climate change seems to play a part as well[/quote] I love when they side-mouth what is likely the truth as quickly as they can, just so they can get to the agenda....

re: No wonder Gisele is pissed!

Posted by JetsetNuggs on 5/8/24 at 10:19 am
[quote]I heard Florio talking about it the other day and he thought it crossed the line on the Hernandez jokes[/quote] Cold blooded murderers don't get the benefit of the doubt. Hernandez's girlfriend was saying she's worried about her daughter growing up in such a cruel world. The cruel w...
Congrats, you've earned your new arse-fricking badge!...
Easter Island head lookin' arse [img]https://th-thumbnailer.cdn-si-edu.com/kVg4NFwZ0IkUXHzENswA7Ojoe-I=/800x600/filters:focal(500x376:501x377)/https://tf-cmsv2-smithsonianmag-media.s3.amazonaws.com/filer_public/0b/9c/0b9cbc6c-72f7-48ff-b4fc-9b6e6061832e/gettyimages-921707628.jpeg[/img]...
They're going to need multiple hits in a row to make me come back. A decent show like Andor sandwiched between absolute dogshit isn't going to do it. ...
[quote]Her act is being a huge slut[/quote] just like 99% of all other female comedians...
Teri Hatcher they're real and spectacular...
[quote]Falcons fans should feel happy with this decision because Saints fans are very angry about it. The angrier your division rivals are about your teams moves, the better they are[/quote] Wtf are you talking about? We've been celebrating this retardation since around 8 o'clock on April 25th...
Been there before. Don't let a job ruin your life. Work to live, not live to work....
Pretty sure you're depressed, big dog...
This is the phagiest thing I've ever read [img]https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/441485217_948337896840299_1882968686491284394_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=vHNLlYcnY_IQ7kNvgFZXVgQ&_nc_oc=AdjyNCw8pAR4cS96FbrRiIwX--ixZraNN8TIsN-OOlZvpcfKQywWGR_CVJbAurvLNtY&_nc_h...
Apparently, we Louisiana people are fascinating creatures in the eyes of others...