Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:2744
Registered on:8/19/2014
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Still waiting on that collusion evidence…a-hole!...
[img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.npr.org%2Fassets%2Fnews%2F2009%2F09%2F14%2Ftillman_vertical-d0d237a97fb4769c3f816d2404b4b44e3ff6ee81-s800.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=bd27c1d4b4535c8fe522bb7d4279139998ae00d1bd74b370ed36de8ff89ef7d9&ipo=images[/img] ...
Thomas has class but not Pog class. Beating Thomas by almost 8 minutes with a week remaining…mind blowing how much better he is against this field. ...
Pog is a baby faced stone cold killer. Put chunks of time on gc guys and whipped Ganna arse TTing today. Guy is amazing....
[quote]“I really like the idea of animals that walk and talk[/quote] I haven’t taken a biology class in quite some time, but I’m positive that humans are animals....
The shampoo crew is starting to remind me of this shite… [img]https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/dxy8RpHpozAkAoweSY95TJ-1024-80.jpg[/img]...
I saw it in real time and it was horrific. The peloton is lucky they didn’t lose a member today. Word is that tree roots made the outside of that corner “rippling”. ...
[quote] This ship wasn't going 10 knots though right? I'm[/quote] My understanding is these ships need to be at a curtain speed to steer properly?...
MSR has sorta been known as a sprinters monument and that played out today. If you want to win…don’t drag Philipsen to the line....
Is this a form of Darwinism, or am I wrong? It sorta feels like it…...

re: Men's Pro Cycling has started

Posted by pennypacker3 on 3/2/24 at 2:24 pm
Pog playing Superman today at strate Bianche . Guy is a super talent that loves to race. 80 km solo and told everyone that was the plan. [img]https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/YSug4pHbx532sZ2xwUaa9W-1024-80.jpg[/img] [img]https://lavisionweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/image_search_170939582700...
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/gJPf8hJy/IMG-0336.jpg[/img] Drinking playing chess…all is well....

re: Best Potato Salad for Gumbo

Posted by pennypacker3 on 2/10/24 at 12:46 pm
Add a splash of vinegar. Adds tang and help keeping the taters from getting to mushy. YW...

re: Hi Yield Preemergent

Posted by pennypacker3 on 2/10/24 at 11:48 am
High Yield Preemergent…anyone else see the irony....