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re: No election for Ukraine

Posted by JCdawg on 5/14/24 at 6:57 pm
He means they don't have the systems in place to fraud their guy into winning. They could care less if their guy won legitimately or not. ...
Ballot printing well underway. [img]https://cdn.grove.wgbh.org/dims4/default/9a19d1c/2147483647/strip/true/crop/3000x1694+0+152/resize/960x542!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fk1-prod-gbh.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com%2Fbrightspot%2F98%2Fc3%2Fc7a6ab5ccc125a7f683d9bdddb6c%2Frunbeckphoenix-9528-custom-6...
Just give them five days and 10 pallets of absentee ballots. They will get it done....
[quote]The media are such clowns.[/quote] No kidding. They say it with such authority, they should be embarrassed....
Flavor of the year. BLM, LGBT+/$, this election year it’s Palestine. The feckless morons will jump on whatever bandwagon social media tells them too. ...
Must be some of those 81 million voters....
[quote]Because it most often serves our strategic interests to do so. It saves us from having to send our own troops to stabilize a situation that we would rather see stabilized, which not only saves our soldiers' lives, but also a significant amount of money. I gave you an answer. Now answer som...
Stooge for Raytheon just fear mongering....
Zelinsky isn’t in charge of anything. He’s an actor put in place to act. ...
Why pass this now and not immediately after the 2020 election? Everyone with a brain knows the process was to fill in absentee ballots with the information of registered voters who didn’t vote. Everything else was simply a distraction.This was the reason why the swing states needed so much time p...
Ah yes, making comments in public to appease his unruly base. Easy to say when the bill is already passed. Notice he leaves off the laundering back to democratic campaigns through the Israel lobby....
I hope this guy has a good security detail. ...
[quote]Nobody is ignoring actual court cases. Rudy Giuliani acknowledges that he made false statements about Georgia election workers Nobody is ignoring statistics. Trump lost Georgia because of Cobb and Gwinnett counties. Hillary was +19,164 in Gwinnett - Biden was +75,594 Hillary was ...
[quote]People on here are parroting Lin Wood conspiracy theories. He is literally insane. That’s the problem with the Georgia ballots there has been so much bullshite posted to Twitter that you folks automatically believe and when it’s debunked you just move onto yet another Lin Wood or Sidney Powell...
[quote]It's just lowering the debate to levels that aren't necessary. It undermines your points and contributes nothing of substance to the conversation. This world is gross enough, why add to it's filth?[/quote] I completely disagree. [quote]It's just lowering the debate to levels that aren...
[quote]Why resort to insults when you can be civil and prove him wrong? The emotional attacks in these threads aren't necessary. Also it's "ad nauseam".[/quote] I can walk and chew gum at the same time. Said person has no interest in being proven wrong, no factual evidence would ever chan...
[quote]This isn't hard to understand. Telling someone they can't 'see' the paper ballots "just because" doesn't mean they don't exist. It would be like you asking to see my Big Dick and me saying no. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist.[/quote] Then why are you having such a hard time understanding? P...
So according to the statements made during the hearings. They are missing the ballot images of over 17,000 votes, and they also refuse to show the paper ballots. There are two possible reasons for this. 1. They used computer filled ballots to fill in registered voters that did not vote prio...
I have barely paid attention. The movement is irrelevant, it will accomplish nothing, and its just an excuse for the unattractive out-crowd losers to draw some attention to themselves. Ignore the problem and it will go away like everything else....