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Registered on:6/29/2006
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re: Candidate For Worst Movie Ever

Posted by Bankshot on 6/3/24 at 3:28 pm
Leonard Part 6 is the worst I remember from my childhood. Even Bill Cosby disowned it. The worst of the recent years might be Geostorm. Worst comic book movie is probably Catwoman....
I remember going to Jackson Mets games from 1982 through the years of the Jackson Generals in the 90's. Con Maloney owned both while they were in Jackson. Both were in the Texas League. I can still smell the Coors. The fans would wear out the umps when one made a bad call....
State would have made it earlier if not for state politics/racism. We had won the SEC three other times before 1963 and had to sneak out of the state to play in 1963....
Yoda fighting Dooku in Episode II and SLJ getting eaten in Deep Blue Sea....
[quote]A rare reversal of this was The Jeffersons. Isabel Sanford (Weezy) was 21 years older than Sherman Hemsley (George), although obviously, she was playing a younger character than her age and he was playing older (both credibly, IMHO)[/quote] Also, in Good Times, Esther Rolle was appx. 19 ye...
There never really was an actor that played him, but the skits involving the exploits of Bill Brasky were hilarious....
Wait until they start dating. Then Colorado merch will be all the rage with teenage girls....
[quote]Sadly the cat died when a box of classified documents fell on it. [/quote] Thankfully the corvette wasn't damaged. No joke....

re: Jim McMahon's Birthday is today

Posted by Bankshot on 8/21/23 at 9:27 pm
His book from the late 80's was an interesting read....
[quote]Fleck would reenter a room if he didn’t like the ovation he received[/quote] Who among us doesn't do this?...
I'm cool with it. Besides, they can't do sequels to Six Pack or Stroker Ace at this point....
[quote]No one in their right mind would vote for Biden after the last 3 years. [/quote The problem is that we clearly have a lot of folks in this country that are not in their right mind....
Should have stored them in his garage, right?...
[quote]Didn’t y’all lose to Maine one year back around the same time period?[/quote] I (thankfully) didn't witness the Maine debacle in person....
Worst game was 2006 Tulane. I've seen some very deflating losses in my time as a State fan/grad, but this one took the cake. The final score looked much closer than the game actually was. That was one bad loss you could pin on the coaches and the players....
[quote]I thought this was going to be about changing from George Washington, because there are people who want that.[/quote] Just call it Foggy Bottom State and call it a day....
Maybe they will turn it into an Andor-like prison camp for delinquent teens....