Favorite team:Missouri 
Location:St. Louis
Number of Posts:1340
Registered on:11/23/2014
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[quote]Roland Martin[/quote] :bow: O son!...
[quote]Fayetteville police went Full Nazi Germany on two football players doing nothing, on body cam[/quote] [img]https://hips.htvapps.com/htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/images/baker-mayfield-tackled-1489187161.gif?crop=1.00xw:0.846xh;0,0.154xh&resize=640:*[/img]...
This is kind of freaky. Your AD had posted a video of red smoke coming from Bud Walton when you hired Cal. Did this subliminally influence the UK AD? [img]https://i.imgur.com/UeEt6NS.jpg[/img]...

re: Couldn’t imagine

Posted by YankeeHandle on 4/11/24 at 6:27 pm
Hog fans on the internet this week: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a2/17/bf/a217bf57e5f579fc5513136a931a781d.gif[/img] ...
This thread is [img]]https://i.imgur.com/QMsc3L8.png?1[/img]...
Bielema from Wisconsin to Arkansas...
Was he pushing his dog in a baby carriage or was I seeing things?...
[quote]stepping stone job for 3rd tier Pac 12/B1G teams[/quote] [img]https://www.clarionledger.com/gcdn/presto/2018/09/27/PKNS/19c4acb4-65d0-4ee3-a28e-588290c3661b-kiffen_atb_003.JPG?crop=2879,1611,x0,y0&width=2879&height=1611&format=pjpg&auto=webp[/img] [img]https://images.rivals.com/image/up...
I believe you just experienced what is commonly known as a "Synchronicity" Carl Jung wrote about it. ...
VS is a great game. If you like it, I also highly recommend Halls of Torment. ...
[quote]think it's been 25 years since Missouri has beaten an Alabama team, and that was UAB.[/quote] Mizzou's all time leading scorer missed a chip shot or this would be Auburn instead of UAB. :banghead:...
Someone posted this screenshot from that police officers body cam footage in that Twitter thread. It looks like a broken window in the red truck. Not saying it has anything to do with it, but just another oddity in this case. Also seems to indicate recent criminal activity in that exact location....
[quote]Cabin Boy is great too.[/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/QxSya6zCHtjcrG8MF0/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d7l30q1igqrhzoin9gqmhd7rhu3tfkcv5se3wmbo0f&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] ...
Tubbs was so great. I went back and watched this game on Youtube and that happened like 5 minutes into the game on a random travel call. Fans wouldn't even blink an eye at that call today. It wasn't even that bad of officiating up to that point but the fans were so passionate back then every li...
[quote]The plan is to extend the hill 1,200 feet in elevation.[/quote] [img]https://cdn.carrot.com/uploads/sites/24572/2019/01/moval-m-1-1024x576.jpeg[/img]...
[quote]it’s not sec related[/quote] Au contraire mon frere, BC is on Mizzou's schedule next year. Mizzou Football will face six new head coaches next season: Murray State - Jody Wright Buffalo - Pete Lembo Boston College - ??? Texas A&M - Mike Elko Alabama - Kalen DeBoer Mississippi St...
As a Mizzou fan and a father, I'm disappointed in your post. What you see in that picture is what life is all about. This makes him more of a man, not less....
GG, I think UGA is much improved but it's going to be a long year in COMO. Hope you win some more....
[quote]Is the “work” in the room with us?[/quote] I think the "work" is an OU fan being 10 pages deep into a Mizzou/LSU thread. ...