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[quote]With someone like Johnson, fire him. And you keep on firing speakers until you get one with a spine.[/quote] :rotflmao:...
[quote]She is not a slave to "political fashion".[/quote] :rotflmao: that's exactly what she is...
[quote] So this is part of her employment contract she signed with DW. It's not a "gag order", as in some one-sided affair. There is nothing "leftist" about supporting contract law between private citizens. Leftists are the ones who want to regulate these agreements.[/quote] That's it? H...
Would be curious to learn more. May be a bitch move, may not be. Candace Owens is a pyscho dumbass....
Hopefully at least through June You could have a repeat of the 1968 DNC Convention in Chicago [img]https://static01.nyt.com/images/2018/08/29/us/politics/29chicago1/merlin_60345226_58f20daa-8e86-4914-a7dc-3e9b36b3acf3-superJumbo.jpg[/img] [img]https://www.chicagotribune.com/wp-content/uploa...
She's partially right. The cowardice of the administration has enabled these morons to take over....
[quote]Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) was robbed in San Francisco on Thursday before attending a dinner with wealthy backers of his Senate campaign, which caused him to show up to the event without a suit, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. The Chronicle reported that car thieves stole Schiff’s l...
[quote]It was doing well because of Trump's energy policy. A lot of critics dismiss easy energy policy but easy energy policy has profound positive economic impacts. When energy costs are low it's cheaper to HVAC your building, it's cheaper to deliver goods, it's cheaper to manufacture goods, it's c...
[quote]Besides COVID the FR rose interest rates during Trump's term:[/quote] Very gradually to much more normal levels, as the economy was doing well in his term before COVID and we were leaving the era of Obama's stagnation....
[quote]The the decisions the fed makes has no impact on the economy?[/quote] Of course they do. But why are you mentioning deficits and making yourself look like a fool, then calling others retards?...
[quote] it is a known fact that Jerome Powell politically acted against Trump to help get Biden elected.[/quote] By lowering interest rates to near-zero? :lol:...
[quote]Great the resident retard is back[/quote] No need to announce yourself like this, you already made this clear when you suggested the Federal Reserve is responsible for deficits....
[quote]So a govt agency should just do what it wants against the president’s plan?[/quote] It's not a government agency and monetary policy does not fall under the purview of the president [quote]Does this mean y’all will stop blaming Trump for the deficit if he shouldn’t have any responsibili...
[quote]I'm questioning the authenticity of the WSJ report, but if that's true that would seem problematic.[/quote] It would be a disaster for the country long term if it were to play out like this. I'm sure you'll get the reflexive responses about muh Fed and muh Trump, but it's an awful idea....
[quote]He'll still get his delay because SCOTUS is corrupt[/quote] The depths of your partisan hackery know no limits...