Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Vestavia, AL
Number of Posts:4744
Registered on:12/30/2014
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[quote]Walk at a police line an see what happens.[/quote] [img]https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D12AQEF8vqCab_rZw/article-cover_image-shrink_600_2000/0/1597334656682?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=Fsqrzt9xbzrzwUuVAgT3_QvvwzIe6oTY5xID2RRbpKk[/img]...
[quote]The board blasts him for having the same opinions they do. [/quote]Good for him. Though there may be short term issues, the LSU program doesn't need 'gun for hire' affecting it's brand. Leave that to programs like 8&4...
[quote]Well that’ll be the end of the Boy Scouts. Could they have picked a more creepier name than “Scouting America”?[/quote] Scouting U.S.?...
Alas... it is not only what she spoke which is forbidden....
Dr. Bill Warner. Thanks for that video. When Dr. Warner describes Muhammad's family using the opportunity of the weakened Byzantine and Persian empires due to war and the black plague.. They gathered their swords, mounting camels and horses and wacked Christians ... and Persians. [quote]This i...
[quote]I understand your point but whoever's recording that was sure got mine. I don't normally like when it is embellished or slowed too much, but thought that was beautiful.[/quote] ... so good I had to check.---> LeeAnn Rimes. [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.ylAjtbib6bOCcJ1dnHzitAHaJh?rs...
[quote]They need to play Jimi Hendrix Star Spangled Banner. That will really get their attention. [/quote]I understand your point but whoever's recording that was sure got mine. I don't normally like when it is embellished or slowed too much, but thought that was beautiful. ...
Summarized: IDF: "What is up to me is to warn you. You must leave. Do you want the children to die. I want you and your families to live in peace" DumbAss: "We don't want the peace that comes from you" 'nuff said....
Damn, soy-boi hasn't seen our tax filings. I might migrate to Canada... Recon I qualify for a tax credit and will get several thousand back....
Blah, Blah, Blah... everything the left did right after Trump was elected .... Blah, Blah, Blah. PS - I see someone is still wearing her pussey hat....
Clemson fan posts to an SEC forum [Clemson wishes they were in the SEC], taking the time to point out the college football goat was interviewed about people (like him, an internet troll). Dam Son... you dripping with Irony and no self-reflection. [img]https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:808/...
[quote]"Scientific American" is a hack publication, a joke. NOT "scientific", never was.[/quote] Except maybe for pieces written and submitted by Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer and 200 other Nobel winners... right? Geeezz....
And I had to help care of my father-in-law, who was bed-ridden. You do what you have to do. Your grandmother and my FIL were not involved in the greatest Presidential scheme in our country's history. FDR may have been confined to a wheelchair but there was no doubt he was running the show. ...
[quote]When your cheating apparatus is as well established as the Dems, you can run a bed pan and win. [/quote] [img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-08/19/14/asset/7ac8a4816838/sub-buzz-415-1660918010-23.jpg[/img]...
probably not but the progressive leaders running the show hope 'death by a thousand cuts'....

re: Trumps new chauffeur

Posted by captainFid on 5/5/24 at 7:02 pm
[quote]Nb4Unpresidential [/quote] Yeah, they're stilling dealing with their man dropping a load in his pants, while in public... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:...
[quote]She is apparently like her grandfather in that she also appears to have caused widespread starvation around her. [/quote] Really glad I finished swallowing the food in my mouth before reading the comment. It wouldn't have help starving people but I would have had to clean a monitor....
[quote]Dude was one of the most vocal pro MRNA Juice jabbers on cable news and even made it a point to shame others who questioned the BS. [/quote]When it wasn't getting in the way of his breaking quarantine from having the virus... ...
[quote]She does anal [/quote] [quote]You hate to see it [/quote] Love to see it - Dave...