Favorite team:Georgia 
Number of Posts:1078
Registered on:1/1/2015
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[quote]The Democrats will come to regret this…[/quote] Not to be black-pilled here, but pray tell what have the Republicans done over the last 20 years makes you think they have any appetite to reciprocate? I’m afraid they’re far more likely to use Trump being jailed as an excuse to nominate ...
[quote][b]The court of appeals overturned the conviction because the victim was a woman, and the trial judge was a man.[/b] The court of appeals held that the trial judge’s conclusion that it was unlikely that a woman would be mistaken about the feeling of penile-vaginal penetration relied on specul...
[quote]Again? At this point, let Chrysler / Fiat / whatever the frick go broke and sell off their brands with any value, like Jeep, to another company. Ford and Chevy, OTOH, need to make shite people will buy and not EV shitboxes.[/quote] I think you should do some reading on the current state o...
[quote]The problem with that statement, is that Europe hasn’t actually stepped up. They’re not making major investments to increase their industrial capacity and support Ukraine.[/quote] How could they? The reliance on Russian energy and its subsequent collapse has led to massive deindustrializat...
[quote]That doesn’t make it any better. I’d be embarrassed to file once let alone 6 to 8 times[/quote] I’d be more embarrassed that you don’t understand the competitive advantage that the Chapter 11 bankruptcy laws provide our economy. Here’s some light reading from [link=(https://hbswk.hbs.e...
Seems he had the third highest rate of return of all representatives in 2023. Nothing to see [link=(https://newrepublic.com/post/177806/members-congress-made-stock-trading-2023)]here.[/link] 20 seconds and Google and you too can avoid defending scumbags, yeesh....
Bama beat UGA on the LOS with the help of the boys in black and white. Seems to me Michigan would have done the same considering they’ve manhandled pretty much everyone in the trenches this postseason....
Especially sad that it appears to just be a small diner around the time folks would want to eat as well. When people would rather go hungry than hear you speak, well…...
Gaetz’ gambit failed. I commend him for trying. Republicans prove once again they aren’t in the slightest bit conservative....
Congress working just as our founding fathers intended, in secrecy... The Republican party is just awful....
[quote]It's easy to say we need to shut down when you won't be suffering the consequences. [/quote] At the rate our debt and interest payments are growing, we’ll all be suffering the consequences, shut down or not....
[quote]I'm guessing this guy will file for a speedy trial as well. He's currently sitting in jail because he's the only co-conspirator who couldn't make bail. Trump will let him sit there.[/quote] The judge denied him bond because of his risk of committing additional crimes. Likely because he [li...

re: The actual mugshot per CNN

Posted by Snazzmeister on 8/24/23 at 7:41 pm
That’s the one that’s been floating around Telegram....
[quote]You're underestimating the number of suburban voters, particularly women, who vote Republican or are open to voting Republican.[/quote] It’s not a question of if they’re willing to vote Republican, it’s a question of which candidates they’re willing to vote for. As you illustrated with Tru...
[quote]Anybody in the thread - do you think DeSantis made his mind up about how to answer the question at that moment?[/quote] No, but after seeing that fat funk Christie get to pontificate after raising his hand and then taking it back and lying in real time, the Monday morning quarterback in me...
[quote]The flip in Suburban white women would be massive.[/quote] Until they give her the Palin treatment. Suburban white women are some of the most jealous and conniving people on the planet. You thought Susie getting a new Beamer for Christmas made the girls jealous? Wait until they find out ...
[quote]He's very wooden and rehearsed which can be a turn off to a lot of people. He knows his stuff but he obviously wasn't off the cuff. Really needs to work on that. He'll wreck most anyone on policy but how he communicates it will put you to sleep. Nixon might be a good comparison.[/quote] ...