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Location:The Woodlands, TX
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re: Admins - please issue bans

Posted by Tony The Tiger on 6/3/24 at 8:40 pm
Attacking players is good enough a reason. Jeez...
They never quit. Even to the last out. NC was better today. ...
I know this is probably unpopular here, but I miss the old regional format (prior to supers). ...
We have the best felons, don't we?...

re: Win out, any chance to host?

Posted by Tony The Tiger on 5/22/24 at 1:35 pm
No chance. Even if RPI is in the top 16. Now, a solid #2 at an easy regional is attainable....
[quote]What's redeeming about Minnesota or Kansas or the like? The quality of life in those states is much higher than that of Louisiana.[/quote] You can't get more bland and boring than Minnesota and Kansas. Yeah, Louisiana has its problems, but life is fun there. I miss it tremendously....
DBE strikes again. Some brave company will sue one day and win big....
I like it. With these relievers (including ideas for who they might replace, based on L/R pitching changes): [b]A Group[/b] - Little for Jump - Ack for Holman - Guidry for Herring - Ulloa - for Herring [b]B Group[/b] - Loer - Holman - Moffett - Jump - Dutton - Herring - Anderson - H...

re: Starbucks on Sherwood

Posted by Tony The Tiger on 5/8/24 at 10:16 am
[quote] Can someone work there and not join the union?[/quote] Yes. Louisiana is a right-to-work state. ...
[quote]14 years in power now and very little conservatism in that reign. From campaigning against Brexit, to trying to sabotage Brexit, to mass domestic spying, to draconian Covid shutdowns with a Gavin Newsom policy of exceptions for the political class, to embracing spending on foreign wars, to ho...
I doubt people who moved out of BR would then move back to SG. A more realistic scenario would involve people living in BR moving to SG....

re: New video board?

Posted by Tony The Tiger on 5/1/24 at 3:41 pm
Remember when they said this would be the new video board: [img]https://lsusports.net/imgproxy/H9TeHN8qhCud0N5D4oWsAxfyATIzMTvT9n9bNen3DU0/fit/3840/2160/ce/0/aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL2xzdXNwb3J0cy1jb20vMjAwOC8xMS8yYTkxYjFjYS1tb2hid25yZWp3b2NjcWIuMjAwODExMDMxOTM3NTcuanBn.png[/img] ...
I'm happy for them and all, but [i]these[/i] raises are mostly due to inflation running out of control. Increasing salaries to compensate for inflation will only drive inflation higher, which will mean more raises in the future—and it will become a game of dog chasing its tail. ...
Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and how they choose to spend their Sundays. I am imperfect, but I do try to attend Mass each Sunday. Doesn't make me any better than the other guy. But I will say this: Things are pretty shitty right now in the world. Morality and common decency are getting ...

re: St. George upheld what now?

Posted by Tony The Tiger on 4/28/24 at 3:20 pm
[quote]There is no St. George school district.[/quote] YET [quote]Woodlawn is part of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System.[/quote] For now [quote]If you live in East Baton Rouge Parish, and attend Woodlawn, nothing changes.[/quote] Not for long ...
[quote]I get this but if EBR or EBRPSS built the schools for EBRPSS, it doesn’t seem like they would immediately transfer to SGPSS (once formed). But I’m not an expert either. [/quote] Well, we can probably agree that the courts will likely decide. For fun, here is what chatGPT said :lol: :lol:...
[quote]It doesn’t make sense that a parish would have to “turn over” or surrender its assets to a new city that formed after the assets were established. Seems like EBR could lease or sell the buildings to St. George similarly to how the Archdiocese and NOLA-PS leases and sells its buildings to char...