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Location:Simple Solutions to Complex Probs
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Registered on:1/18/2004
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[quote]This loser. This long arse post and he’s lying. Does he know we know?[/quote] This is not his first time [img]https://i.chzbgr.com/full/8386482944/h87907869/a-giant-walked-among-us[/img] ...
[quote]Pels listed as 2nd most likely to land Jimmy Butler[/quote] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/3o6YglDndxKdCNw7q8/200.gif?cid=6c09b952irdx690q5mhtjytrnh50v58ms63oje43irw7f85q&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]but frick you and your dumbass net spend number that doesn't even begin to tell the full story.[/quote] They spent a lot to catch up to overcome the institutional advantages that exist in major soccer. That stopped a while back. Talking about what they spent 15 years ago has no impact on ...
[quote]Is state-run companies flooding the market with cheap unregulated shite the free market?[/quote] For the purchasing countries? Yes...
[quote]but you can't even own the fact that City wouldn't be in this position if it weren't for their spending in the last 15 years a[/quote] Soccer has institutional advantages for teams who happened to be good during expansion, like Arsenal, Man U, and Liverpool. Investing money to catch up i...
[quote]Now do total spending since 2009.[/quote] Why? How many players on either team were on the first team 15 years ago? [quote]Also do wages for us. We will be waiting.[/quote] Only a $400k/week difference That's a bigger difference than Arsenal and Liverpool. Almost 3x the gap betwee...
Oh wow Calcasieu gets fricked in that map, as usual :lol: It's getting time to admit that NLA should only get 1 district. ...
[quote] It is if you understand what racism meant for the entirety of its existence as a concept up until about 10 years ago.[/quote] No that's the left changing the definition based on status in society (ie, only dominant groups can be racist and marginalized groups cannot) You're mixing up ar...
A week Now, how long did I associate my morning/after lunch coffee with smoking? Months. Drinking? Years...
[quote]Racism is not the worst thing in the U.S.[/quote] Where have I said it was anywhere close? :lol:...
[quote]That's an absurd definition of racism,[/quote] Yes defining racism based on negative behavior specifically focused on another's race is certainly an "absurd" way to define it. :lol:...
[quote] So what if he was being racist?[/quote] Then he was being racist. Let the chips fall where they may, accordingly. [quote]Not that I am saying he was [/quote] Coward [quote] I have every right to not like or want to associate with leftist scum like yourself[/quote] :lol: [qu...
[quote]How many words is your definition of racism? Is it more or less than how many you've posted in an effort to say anything but the definition of racism.[/quote] For the third (and last) time: [quote]But being a dick to a person of a different race, based/relying on racial characteristics ...
[quote]I honestly can't tell if you're serious or you seriously don't see it.[/quote] Considering you asked a question that had already been answered to begin this digression I think the question should focus inward Again I've already defined what I'm speaking of, and it's in terms of behavio...
[quote]Was I talking about you? Uh no[/quote] You replied to a discussion tree originating with a response to my post, sir. I said [quote]I'm not saying the majority or even a small minority of this group were racist, but any individual who made monkey noises at a black person was being raci...
[quote]He’s defending the honor of that poor beached walrus[/quote] Uh, no?...
[quote]Globalism" is an actual concrete concept[/quote] Yet nobody has been able to give an accurate definition on here after 7-8 years of common usage. Hell you can't even get a consensus for who is/isn't part of the conspiracy. Jewish people, China, tech bros, etc. are constantly being includ...
[quote]Zog-style CT[/quote] I don't know if you heard, but we love Jewish people on here now and they're oppressed BY the globalist overlords. ...
[quote]And? [/quote] Well some people are trying to deny that it was even racist. I'm clarifying that we're not lumping in actual racism into simple "offensive" categorization. [quote]Should his whole life be ruined for what amounts to a moment of idiocy?[/quote] No. I never said that. Hel...
[quote]Free speech. It’s still ok to act like a jackass.[/quote] I never said racism should be illegal. ...