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re: Hamas Accepts Cease-Fire Deal

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 5/6/24 at 5:03 pm
Israel needs to hold fast and press on. Everyone not pro-Hamas knows that they're just stalling and looking for time to prepare. IDF is wiping the walls and skullfricking them. Press on and destroy the tunnel system. frick the court of opinion because it's already rigged against Israel anyway. ...
[quote]Six Reasons Why Tulsi Gabbard Is Donald Trump's Best Choice As A Running Mate[/quote] I only need one reason to not vote for her. She's a lifelong, avowed and staunch socialist. No. I like that she hates the MIC. I like that she stood up to Hillary and didn't fear the Arkancide mach...
[quote]Smart move by Orban. He’s been trying to increase Hungary’s population without adding Muslim immigrants from backwards countries. He can add a million Ukrainians with similar cultural values who want to work and add to the country with this move while shaming other EU countries for sending yo...
[quote]I give him credit for seemingly seeing the light. Can't be easy for someone with his influence and past success to basically admit he f'd up.[/quote] He was always an enigma to me. His mannerisms and what little hid did actually say about himself always made him seem as if he were far mor...
[quote]Taylor Lorenz claims that gays in Texas and Florida are treated the same as gays in Gaza[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/rU97WlnbzE0AAAAM/toby-keith-its-my-kind-of-place.gif[/img] ...RIP Toby....
[quote]We'll cease to exist in as little as 250 million years if climate change continues the way it has.[/quote] Preposterous! 1990s Al Gore assured me that this was going to happen by 2021. It happened. We got our collective consciences plugged into the matrix and physically we only exist i...
[quote]Orange man bad - it's science![/quote] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/NBPJrsmB/Screenshot-20240506-110346-479.png[/img]...
[quote]Vance by a nose over Scott.[/quote] Lord, I hope so. I like Scott but dude just comes across as somewhat of a post turtle. When my very liberal mother really likes Tim, I am forced to stop and evaluate. Rubio? HHTM would fap, but Rubio has been an establishment goon for all of his care...
[quote]Lapel pins, lgptqer#$ pins, pali pins, ukraine pins, our politicians look like Idi Amin[/quote] Pandering is what Establishment Uniparty Democrats do. Always has, and always will be the case. [img]https://media.gq.com/photos/5ede80cb1ed7f0657d5503b7/4:3/w_4538,h_3404,c_limit/01-Nancy-Pelo...
[quote]Biden’s donors are creating the environment to replace Biden this Summer.[/quote] [img]https://media.newyorker.com/photos/590966f9019dfc3494ea0d1d/master/pass/Vara-Gavin-Newsom-2018.jpg[/img] This has been the plan all along. Read the tea leaves....
[quote]Mark Zuckerberg [/quote] [img]https://reptilinks.com/cdn/shop/articles/what_to_feed_monitor_lizard.png?v=1683259343&width=1100[/img]...
James Woods is a national treasure and not all heroes wear capes....
[quote]Follow the money. Certain people are getting insanely wealthy from all of this coordinated shite. They are selling out humanity for their own financial gain.[/quote] It's much, much deeper than that too (as I'm sure you're aware, and I'm in no way implying that you aren't). They're deliber...
[quote]Biden Lied: [/quote]When has he not? [quote]Bidenomics Means The Middle Class Will Soon Be Paying More In Taxes [/quote] When has it not? We have known this since the beginning. Everyone knows that the rich are afforded more "tax loopholes" than any other demographic, and will never p...

re: Worst modern President

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 5/6/24 at 9:18 am
If you're talking about singular actions/inactions that altered world history and could've resulted very different in the long game, it's hard to ignore Truman at the end of WWII. Our troops were on the ground in striking distance of the Reds when Berlin and Nazi Germany as a whole fell. Our troo...
[quote]He was elected 16 years ago, and you’re still sticking to this canard huh?[/quote] The truth does not change with the passage of time. Revisionist history is an illusion and a tool of religious progressive Marxism. I suppose you are a Holocaust denier too?...

re: Biden will NOT be the nominee.

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 5/3/24 at 9:24 pm
[quote]Imagine the turmoil if both Biden and Trump die before the election.[/quote] I think we'd need to hope, at that point, for an errant comet to obliterate worldwide life. Both "sides" would completely explode and everyone in the middle would burn in the fires of conflict....
[quote]really do appreciate the heads up about where to visit Oklahoma and if I make my way up, would it be cool to buy you a beer and shoot the shite?[/quote] Of course! I'm always up for a cold one and a good conversation. And for the record, Tulsa, OKC, Stillwater and Lawton certainly do have ...

re: Is Soros funding the Protests?

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 5/3/24 at 9:01 pm
[quote]get that he's a rich shitty person, but damn, he must have the most well organized operation in the history of the world for him to be involved in so much.[/quote] He's only one piece of that organization. One of their chief financiers, for certain - a "shot caller" if you will. He's not the...
[quote]"There are leaflets on how to protest leaflets or how to commit civil disobedience. There are leaflets on what to do when you get arrested, leaflets on what to say to police," Daughtry explained. He reiterated: "There is somebody funding this. There is somebody radicalizing our students."[...